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Now to the fun and scary of me. Ah! Scary!

For the first scary picture! Man, I'm so mean to myself at times. I'm just waiting for someone to send me to a therapist and have that therapist go, "Now Meggin. It's not good to put yourself down like that." And my response to that would be, "Define good."




To the right is a picture of Amy and me. We are dressed up in our Powder Puff outfits. Yeah! Go Juniors! The final score was 7-6. Juniors winning for the first time! I guess that's what the Seniors get for eating the refrees' pizza. Serves them right! So next year, class of 2003 will go undefeated. Class of 2003 kicks some butt! Keep it up girls (and guys, too)!

So sexy! LOL. Man, I'm so funny...looking! So yeah, moving on with the pictures. I need to stop bashing on myself like that. It isn't I said earlier...define good! And God! The guys on this classroom are dogging on me for posing like that, when I was bagging on Brittany Spears, and they say that the pose is a "Brittany" pose. Stupid men!

Look! I'm smiling! That's an odd and new thing in one of my pictures. But, now I like my smile so much better, because there's no more brace face for me! Yeah! I have a pertie smile now! LOL...I crack myself up sometimes!


Now I think that enough of pictures of me. I don't need the internet to shutdown to biohazard thing.