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Howie D. Interview!



Q: Tell us, when was the last time you went away on holiday?

A: As a matter of fact, I've just been away to a beach house in Southern California. It was a little getaway from the daily busy, busy, busy Backstreet life! I just went on my own but I had friends visit me

Q: Sounds like fun! So what was the last item of summer clothing you bought? A: I don't tend to distinguish between summer clothing and just 'clothing' because a lot of the time it's hot where we are. But I guess the last thing I actually
boutght was a big floppy summer hat!

Q: Trendy fella, eh?! And what about the last summer party you went to? Tell us about it!

A: The last summer party was probably at my house in Puerto Rico about a month ago. It was a really great night with lots of dancing and good times!

Q: Party on dude! When was the last time you got sunburnt?

A: I have to be careful because although I'm quite dark, I do have a tendency to burn in strong sunlight. I can't actually remember the last time I got burnt because I always take along some factor 15!

Q: Wise words Howie. So when was the last time you pigged out on ice cream?

A: I always have ice cream in the house because I love it! All flavours, any time of the day or night. I guess I don't have a favourite, but the one that springs to mind immediately is a kind of caramel swirl thing, Mmmmm!

Q: And what was the last book you read on a beach?

A: I'm currently reading Harry Potter at the moment and I started that on the beach a little while ago. It's a great story and I'm really looking forward to the movie. It's gonna be brilliant!

Q: You're not wrong Howie! So when was the last time you went for a bit of a swim in the nuddy?

A: Ha ha! Don't even go there man! Skinny dipping really isn't my kinda thing, so I'll have to say that the very last time was when I was just a little kid. you can do that kinda thing when you're about 4
years old!

Q: Boo! So tell us the best thing that happened to you and the lads last summer.

A: The best thig that happened last summer was finishing the Black & Blue album and getting some time to relax because we'd been working really hard on it. We got some time in the Bahamas which was very cool!

Q: Very cool indeed! When was the last time you got saucy with a laydee on a beach?!

A: (Laughs) I'm a gentleman so I wouldn't really like to say! But I will admit that when I was in Southern California, I did spend some time with a young lady. And that's all you're getting! Ha ha!

Q: Spoilsport! Finally, what's your last word for the Summer Special 2001?

A: I guess it's gotta be SUNSHINE!


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