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Vote to Howie!!!!!!


Howie is nominated for an award on the GQ`S Magazine, in the category "MAN OF THE YEAR IN THE HUMANITARIAN AWARD", important persons like Mickel J. Fox or Sir Elton John won this award, and it was a great support for their owns Foundations.
To vote you have to send an e-mail with a little message where you have to say the reason because you are voting for Howie Dorough.
This is the e-mail:

Please!!! write an e-mail, it'd be so beautiful, all of us knows the way that Howie is, he is so good man, so sweet, so tender, I am really pride about my feelings for him and I am so pride for all the things that Howie does to help the people through his Foundation. This is a good way to return to Howie all the good moments that we live... thanx him and the BSB.
It just take you a little minutes, it is just 1 e-mail... and if you can say about it to all the fans that you know, that will be a great help!!!
Howie deserve it, and for him I can do everything... and you???.
wowow, I am so pride of loving him... and I will be pride forever.


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