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Necessary Paperwork Information

The best advice we can give when filling out your paperwork is to develop a "story" you'd like to tell and stick to it! Decide what kind of history you'd like your living history "character" to take and develop his life history around that. Date of birth, hometown, when you went on leave, these are all things that help to enrich your impression. Have your paperwork support that story! Have the leave to London supported by your paybook, plus the leave pass you saved! The theater tickets that you and your mate saw while you were there.....all help to add depth to your impression. Pegasus Productions can help you create your story, but we do need some details that we can't make up ourselves. What we require is:

Your date of birth. Usually this is the same month and day as your current D.O.B. but obviously (for most of us) the year of birth has to change. Anything from 1918 to 1923-24 is average

Your physical description. Height, weight, eye colour, hair colour, any identifying marks

Your religion

Your regimental number, date of attestation (enlistment), rank and unit

Your hometown

Your leave dates (for passes and paybook information)

Any other information you think would be pertinent

If you have any further questions about us filling out your paperwork for you, don't hesitate to ask!

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