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C Coy, 1 Canadian Parachute Battalion

C Coy, 1 Can Para are a group of re-enactors based in the Southern Ontario region. They attend many local events at museums and armouries as well as several tactical battles. They have a very diverse membership including several former Canadian Forces members and even a former Airborne jumper! Below you'll find some pictures taken recently from the 2001 re-enacting season.

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C Coy, 1 Can Para shown relaxing in a trench at the Tillsonburg Living History weekend, October, 2001. Pictured are Pegasus Productions founders L/Cpl Jay Langley (first from left) and Pte. Matt Noel (second from Right). Also pictured are Pegasus Productions contributors; the two Tims: Pte. Tim Lee (second from left) and Pte. Tim Sullivan (First on right)

C Coy boys at it again posing in front of the old Red Ensign. Pictured are (from top left) Pte. Rob Stewart, L/Cpl Jay Langley, Pt.e Andy Traverse, Pt.e Tim Sullivan, Pte. "Stuka". Kneeling are Pte. Tim Lee And Pte. Matt Noel. At Tillsonburg Fall event, 2001.

Ptes. Tim Sullivan and Andy Traverse at the Tillsonburg fall event, 2001.

C Coy boys in a confrence, Tillsonburg Fall event, 2001. Pictured are (clockwise from bottom left) Ptes. Tim Lee, Tim Sullivan, Matt Noel, Andy Traverse, "Stuka".

The C Coy boys (with some Perth Reg't in assistance) fending off a German attack, Tillsonburg Fall event, 2001. Pictured are: Pte. Andy Traverse, Pte. Matt Noel, Pte. Tim Sullivan, Pte. "Stuka", Pte. Tim Lee, Pte. Tucker (Perth Reg't). All are being "supervised" by L/Cpl Jay Langley.

C Coy 1 Can Para posing in front of the heavy weapons of the unit. Pictured are the two Bren guns as well as the Boys Anti-tank Rifle. Tillsonburg Living History weekend, May 2001.

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