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Pg. 8
Shyness & Love: Causes, Consequences, and Treatment
Dr. Brian G. Gilmartin
University Press of America, Inc.

Love-Shyness Is a Serious Problem

     One of the most highly inaccurate misconceptions people have about love-shyness
is that it is a problem with little or no bearing upon a persons' ulitmate life chances.  
Many people sincerely believe that love-shyness is "just a stage" through which many
adolescents quite naturally pass.  Unfortunately, the evidence at hand very strongly
suggests that most love-shyness victims do not "just naturally" or spontaneously 
"out grow" the problem.
     For most of its victims, love-shyness persists year after year and profoundly affects
ultimate life chances.  It does this in two ways: First, love-shyness has a major bearing
upon the development of interpersonal skills that are of crucial importance for career
and personal success.  And secondly, love-shyness prevents its victims from
developing the networks of informal friendships which are extremely important for the
promotion of career effectiveness, community involvement, marriage partner selection,
and even for the avoiding of involvement in deviant or self-destructive behavior 