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Pgs. 297 - 298
Shyness & Love: Causes, Consequences, and Treatment
Dr. Brian G. Gilmartin
University Press of America, Inc.

Chapter Postscript

     One of my fondest wishes is to see American parents institution-
alize a new tradition which loosens up on children as far as early dating,
informal heterosexual interaction, and even sexual expression are con-
cerned. Children of any age should not be discouraged from having a
"best friend" of the opposite sex. I believe it is always wrong to dis-
courage expressions of love and romance--feelings which are all too
scarce in our world. And to discourage children of any age from having
a close, "best friend" of the opposite sex is tantamount to discouraging
monogamy and monogamous proclivities; and this too is not an adaptable
or prudently compassionate course of action to take in our high-divorce,
rapidly changing world. Males and females do need each other in loyal,
monogamous unions; and this is true for people of all ages--not just
for married adults.
     And despite the often oppressive conservatism in contemporary
homophobic America, parental attitudes towards early dating and towards
relaxed, spontaneous, unaffected heterosexual interaction, can actually
be seen from any logical standpoint as actually promoting homosexual
interests and behavior. To be sure, for children and young teenagers in
contemporary America, it is actually easier to be a person of homosexual
interests (because privacy is much easier to come by) than it is to be a
person of heterosexual interests--although this should not be inter-
preted as contradicting my earlier research-based assertion that true
homosexuality and true heterosexuality are both inborn and that you
cannot change a heterosexual child into a homosexual one or vice versa.
(However, experience may move a bisexual person more in one direction
than towards the other.)
     Finally, the most powerful cause of unwanted pregnancy among
American teenagers today is failure of many of them to accept their
monogamous, loving premarital coitus as morally right for themselves.
In other words, conservative parents and religious leaders fan the flames
of the unwanted teen pregnancy problem as a result of the norms which
they intimidate young people into internalizing. Contraceptive use makes
premarital sex deliberate and premeditated, and thus such judicious
precautionary measures will usually not be carefully and consistently
taken by young people who are not truly comfortable with their
monogamous, loving, contraceptively protected premarital sexual
love-making. Scores of recent studies strongly support my position in
regard to this. The interested reader should consult my upcoming vol-


        1. Ibid., pp. 294-297. In essence, it would appear that love-shy males are most
probably (from very early childhood onward) significantly above average on the brain
amphetamines which cause people to fall in love. This surfeit of "love amphetamines" is
probably operative for the love-shy from the preschool years onward. In contrast, for most
people who are not afflicted with severe shyness these "love amphetamines" probably do
not begin to become operative until shortly before the onset of pubescence. Of some
significance is the probable fact that there is no minimum age with respect to when the love
hormones might begin working upon a person's brain. In contrast, there is a minimum
age for the operation of the sex hormones: they cannot commence influencing a person
prior to the onset of pubescence.