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Tessellations - They're More than Meets the Eye!




You and your group members will write a book explaining tessellations to other students your age.  As you create your book, be sure that you answer all of the following questions, and include all of the following aspects in your final product.  Feel free to add your own ideas, opinions, and discoveries to make the book interesting and exciting to your readers. 

·        Define tessellation

·        Who created tessellations?

·        Was the creator of tessellations considered to be a mathematician or an artist?

·        When were tessellations created?

·        Where were tessellations created?

·        How were tessellations created?

·        Define translation and rotation, provide examples of these types of tessellations

·        Will all shapes tessellate?  Which ones will/will not, if any

·        Give directions for creating a tessellation

·        Give examples of the creator of tessellations work

·        Give examples of other student’s tessellations

·        Explore TesselMania.  Tell your readers about this program, and include at least 1 tessellation made on this program from each group member in your book.

·        Create a tessellation by translating or rotating a tessellated polygon.  Color this tessellation to look like something, and write a poem or verse naming, explaining, and describing your creation


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