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is a 5'10 elf, he wears silver armour with a cresent moon symbol in the middle, on his right shoulder is a tatoo of a full moon, on the other shoulder a new moon...His eyes are almost an exact reflection of the moon, which change day to day as the moon does...He wields a katana with a cresent shaped handle..

SilverFreeze (Dragon Form)
is a magestic creature labeled by most a dragon, His scales are silver and flicker with the faintest light, He stands a massive 50 ft tall and reaches 100 ft long from snout to tail tip. His eyes reflect the moon.

is 5 10, his body is covered in brownish-orange furr with soft black dots..His ears are orange with long black hair sticking out high. He wear white shirt with a back pack on his back and demin-like jeans, He carry's a long staff with a white orb woven on the top. His eyes a slitted yellow with silver hour glass for pupils. His face resembles that of a lynx.