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seems to be a young man appearing in his early 20s. He is around 6' and has warm bronze eyes showing a vast amount of knowledge he holds, with matching short brown hair. He wears a white robe, which extends down to his side is a small leather pouch carrying healing items, as he is a healer.

Aridrith Kogs

Aridrith appears to be a young man about 21 years of age and is about 6’ tall. He has shoulder length brown hair which slightly curls as well as matching brown eyes with a bit of shyness in them. He wears a long-sleeve blue, heavy shirt, leather breeches and gloves on his hands. Around his neck, he wears a round medallion with 6 strange symbols each symbol, each glowing different colors. Attach to his belt is a small brown leather bag containing all items he possesses during his travels as well as a small dragon-flute are attached to his belt. On his back lies a single blade encased in a leather sheath with many sewn images of leaves upon its sides.

~*~Pic Coming Soon (hopefully..:P)~*~