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from Boston, Massachusetts, to Los Angeles, California, was the
second hijacked plane to strike the World Trade Center,
plowing into the south tower. Two pilots, seven flight attendants
and 56 passengers were on board.

Capt. Victor Saracini, 51, of Lower Makefield Township,
Pennsylvania, was a Navy veteran.
He is survived by his wife and two children.
Michael Horrocks was first officer.
Robert J. Fangman was a flight attendant.
Amy N. Jarret, 28, of North Smithfield, Rhode Island, was a flight
Amy R. King was a flight attendant.
Kathryn L. Laborie was a flight attendant.
Alfred G. Marchand of Alamogordo, New Mexico,
was a flight attendant.
Michael C. Tarrou was a flight attendant.
Alicia N. Titus was a flight atteandant.


Alona Avraham, 30, was from Ashdot, Israel.
Garnet "Ace" Bailey, 53, of Lynnfield, Massachusetts,
was director of pro scouting for the Los Angeles Kings hockey team.
Bailey was entering his 33rd season as a player or scout
in the National Hockey League
and his eighth with the Kings. Before joining the Kings,
he spent 13 years as a scout for the Edmonton Oilers,
a team that won five Stanley Cups during that time. As a player,
Bailey spent five years with the Boston Bruins and was a member
of Stanley Cup championship teams in 1969-70 and 1971-72.
Bailey also spent parts of two seasons each with the Detroit Red Wings
and St. Louis Blues, and three years with the
Washington Capitals. He is survived by his wife,
Katherine, and son, Todd.

Mark Bavis, 31, of West Newton, Massachusetts,
was entering his second season as an amateur scout for
the Los Angeles Kings. A Boston native,
Bavis is survived by his mother, Mary;
two other brothers, Pat and Johnny;
and three sisters, Kelly, Mary Ellen and Kathy.
The Bavis family lost a brother 15 years ago, and Bavis'
father died 10 years ago.
Graham Berkeley, 37, of Xerox Corp. was from Wellesley,

Touri Bolourchi, 69, was from Beverly Hills, California.

Klaus Bothe, 31, of Germany was on a business trip with BCT
Technology AG's chief executive officer and another executive.
Bothe joined the company in 1994 and was its director
of development. He is survived by his wife and one child.

Daniel Brandhorst, of Los Angeles, California, was a lawyer for

David Brandhorst, 3, was from Los Angeles.
John Cahill was from Wellesley, Massachusetts.

Christoffer Carstanjen, 33, of Turner Falls, Massachusetts,
was staff assistant in the office of information technology
at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst.

John Corcoran "Jay" Corcoran, 44, of Norwell, Massachusetts,
was a merchant marine.

Dorothy Dearaujo, 82, was from Long Beach, California.

Gloria Debarrera

Lisa Frost, 22, of Rancho Santa Margarita, California,
graduated from Boston University this year,
with degrees in communications and business hospitality.
She is survived by her father, mother and brother.
Ronald Gamboa, 33, of Los Angeles, California,
was a Gap store manager.
Lynn Goodchild, 25, was from Attleboro, Massachusetts.
The Rev. Francis E. Grogan, 76, of Easton, Massachusetts,
was a priest at Holy Cross Church in Easton.
A veteran of World War II, Grogan served as a parish priest,
a chaplain and teacher at Holy Cross schools.

Carl Hammond, 37, was from Boston, Massachusetts.

Peter Hanson, 32, of Groton, Massachusetts, was a software salesman.

Susan Hanson, 35, of Groton, Massachusetts, was a student.
Christine Hanson, 3, was from Groton, Massachusetts.

Gerald Hardacre
Eric Hartono
James E. Hayden, 47, of Westford, Massachusetts,
was the chief financial officer of Netegrity Inc.
Hayden is survived by his wife,
Gail, and their two children.

Robert Jalbert, 61, of Swampscott, Massachusetts,
was a salesman.
Ralph Kershaw, 52, of Manchester-by-the-Sea, Massachusetts,
was a marine surveyor.

Heinrich Kimmig, 43, chairman and chief executive officer of BCT
Technology Ag, of Germany was on a business trip
involving contract negotiations with U.S. partners
along with two other BCT execs,
the company said in a statement.
Kimmig studied mechanical engineering in college.
Kimmig is survived by his wife and two children.

Brian Kinney, 29, of Lowell, Massachusetts, was an auditor for
PriceWaterhouse Cooper.

Robert LeBlanc, 70, of Lee, New Hampshire,
was a professor emeritus of geography
at the University of New Hampshire. After earning his doctorate
at the University of Minnesota,

Maclovio "Joe" Lopez Jr., 41, was from Norwalk, California.

Marianne MacFarlane
Louis Neil Mariani, 59, was from Derry, New Hampshire.

Juliana Valentine McCourt, 4, was from New London, Connecticut.

Ruth McCourt, 24, was from Westford, Massachusetts.

Wolfgang Menzel, 60, of Germany joined BCT Technology AG in 2000
as director of human resources. He is survived by his wife
and one child. Menzel had planned to retire in six months.

Shawn Nassaney, 25, was from Pawtucket, Rhode Island.

Patrick Quigley, 40, of Wellesley, Massachusetts, was a partner at
PriceWaterhouse Cooper.

Frederick Rimmele was a physician from Marblehead, Massachusetts.

James M. Roux, 42, was from Portland, Maine.

Jesus Sanchez, 45, was an off-duty flight attendant from Hudson,

Kathleen Shearer was from Dover, New Hampshire.

Robert Shearer was from Dover, New Hampshire.

Jane Simpkin, 35, was from Wayland, Massachusetts.

Brian D. Sweeney, 38, was from Barnstable, Massachusetts.

Timothy Ward, 38, of San Diego, California,
worked at the Carlsbad, California-based Rubio's Restaurants Inc.
A 14-year veteran of the company, he opened its second restaurant
in San Diego

William Weems of Marblehead, Massachusetts, was a commercial

from Newark, New Jersey, to San Francisco, California,
crashed in rural southwest Pennsylvania, with 45 people on board.

CREW Jason Dahl, 43, from Denver, Colorado, was the plane's captain.
He had a wife and son. Dahl had a lifelong interest
in flying, said his aunt, Maxine Atkinson, of Waterloo, Iowa.

Leroy Homer, 36, from Marlton, New Jersey,
was the first officer on board.
He was married and had a daughter.

Lorraine Bay was a flight attendant.

Sandra Bradshaw, 38, of Greensboro, North Carolina,
was a flight attendant.

Wanda Green was a flight attendant.

CeeCee Lyles of Fort Myers, Florida, was a flight attendant.
She reached her husband, Lorne, by cell phone
to tell him that she loved him and their children before the plane went down.
The couple between them had four children.

Deborah Welsh was a flight attendant.

Christian Adams
Todd Beamer, 32, was from Cranbury, New Jersey.

Alan Beaven, 48, of Oakland, California,
was an environmental lawyer.

Mark Bingham, 31, of San Francisco owned a public relations firm,
the Bingham Group. He called his mother, Alice Hoglan,
15 minutes before the plane crashed and told her that the plane
had been taken over by three men who claimed to have a bomb.
Hoglan said her son told her that some passengers
planned to try to regain control of the plane.
"He said, 'I love you very, very much,
' " Hoglan said.

Deora Bodley, 20, of Santa Clara, California, was a university

Marion Britton
Thomas E. Burnett Jr., 38, of San Ramon, California,
was a senior vice president and chief operating officer of Thoratec Corp.,
a medical research and development company,
and the father of three.
He made four calls to his wife, Deena,
from the plane. Deena Burnett said that her husband
told her that one passenger had been stabbed and that
"a group of us are going to do something."
He also told her that the people on board knew about the attack
on the World Trade Center, apparently through other
phone calls.

William Cashman
Georgine Corrigan
Joseph Deluca
Patrick Driscoll
Edward Felt, 41, was from Matawan, New Jersey.
Colleen Fraser
Andrew Garcia
Emerson Glick, 2 months old, was from West Milford, New Jersey.

Jeremy Glick, 31, from West Milford, New Jersey,
was flying with his infant child, Emerson.
He called his wife, Liz, and in-laws in New York
on a cell phone to tell them the plane had been hijacked, Joanne Makely,
Glick's mother-in-law, told CNN. Glick said that one of the hijackers "
had a red box he said was a bomb, and one had a knife of some nature,"
Makely said.
Glick asked Makely if the reports about the attacks on the World Trade Center
were true, and she told him they were.
He left the phone for a while, returning to say,
"The men voted to attack the terrorists," Makely said.

Lauren Grandcolas of San Rafael, California,
was a sales worker at Good Housekeeping magazine.

Donald F. Green, 52, was from Greenwich, Connecticut.

Linda Gronlund

Richard Guadagno, 38, of Eureka, California,
was the manager of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's
Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge.

Toshiya Kuge
Waleska Martinez
Nicole Miller

Mark Rothenberg

Christine Snyder, 32, was from Kailua, Hawaii.
She was an arborist for the Outdoor Circle
and was returning from a conference in Washington.
She had been married less than a year.

John Talignani
Honor Wainio

Yeoman 2nd Class Melissa Rose Barnes, 27, Redlands, California
Information Systems Technician 2nd Class Kris Romeo Bishundat, 23,
Waldorf, Maryland
Electronics Techinician 3rd Class Christopher Lee Burford, 23
Hubert, North Carolina
Electronics Technician 3rd Class Daniel Martin Caballero, 21,
Houston, Texas
Lt. Eric Allen Cranford, 32, Drexel, North Carolina
Capt. Gerald Francis Deconto, 44, Sandwich, Massachusetts
Information Systems Technician 1st Class Johnnie Doctor Jr., 32,
Jacskonville, Florida
Cmdr. Robert Edward Dolan,43, Florham Park, New Jersey
Cmdr. William Howard Donovan Jr., 37, Nunda, New York
Cmdr. Patrick Dunn, 39, Fords, New Jersey
Aerographer's Mate 1st Class Edward Thomas Earhart, 26, Salt Lick,
Lt. Cmdr. Robert Randolph Elseth, 37, Vestal, New York
Storekeeper 3rd Class Jamie Lynn Fallon, 23, Woodbridge, Virginia
Aerographer's Mate 2nd Class Matthew Michael Flocco, 21, Newark,
Capt. Lawrence Daniel Getzfred, 57, Elgin, Nebraska
Electronics Technician 1st Class Ronald John Hemenway, 37, Kansas
City, Kanas
Lt. Michael Scott Lamana, 31, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Operations Specialist 2nd Class Nehamon Lyons IV, 30,
Mobile, Alabama
Electronics Technician 2nd Class Brian Anthony Moss, 34, Sperry,
Lt. Cmdr. Patrick Jude Murphy, 38, Flossmoor, Illinois
Illustrator/draftsman 2nd Class Michael Allen Noeth,
Jackson Heights, New York
Lt. Jonas Martin Panik, 26, Mingoville, Pennsylvania
Lt. j.g. Darin Howard Pontell, 26, Columbia, Maryland
Aviation Warfare Systems Operator First Class
Joseph John Pycior Jr., 39, Carlstadt, New Jersey
Information Systems Technician First Class
Marsha Dianah Ratchford, 34, Prichard, Alabama
Cmdr. Robert Allan Schlegel, 38, Gray, Maine
Cmdr. Dan Frederic Shanower, 40, Naperville, Illinois
Chief Information Systems Technician Gregg Harold Smallwood, 44,
Overland Park, Kansas
Lt. Cmdr. Otis Vincent Tolbert, 38, Lemoore, California
Lt. Cmdr. Ronald James Vauk, 37, Nampa, Idaho
Lt. Cmdr. David Lucian Williams, 32, Newport, Oregon
Information Systems Technician Second Class Kevin Wayne Yokum, 27,
Lake Charles, Louisiana
Chief Information Systems Technician Donald McArthur Young, 41,
Roanoke, Virginia.


Angela Houtz, 27, La Plata, Maryland
Brady Howell, 26, Arlington, Virginia
Judith Jones, 53, Woodbridge, Virginia
James Lynch, Manassas, Virginia
Capt. Jack Punches, USN (Ret.), 51, Clifton, Virginia


Julian Cooper, 39, Springdale, Maryland
Jerry Moran, 39, Upper Marlboro, Maryland
Khang Nguyen, Fairfax, Virginia
Marvin Woods, 58, Great Mills, Maryland
World Trade Center
Rev. Mychael Judge, fire department chaplain
Ray Downey, firefighter, chief of special operations command

William Feehan, first deputy commissioner of Fire Department
Peter Ganci, Fire Department chief
Yamel Merino, 24, Yonkers, N.Y., emergency medical technician for
Metro Care Ambulance

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