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from Boston, Massachusetts, to Los Angeles, California,
crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center
with 92 people on board.

John Ogonowski, 52, of Dracut, Massachusetts, was the pilot
of Flight 11. He lived on a 150-acre farm north of Boston.
He is survived by his wife, Margaret,
and three daughters, Laura, 16; Caroline, 14; and Mary, 11.

First Officer Thomas McGuinness, 42, of Portsmouth, New Hampshire,
was Flight 11's co-pilot. He is survived by his wife,
Cheryl, and a 14-year-old son and 16-year-old daughter.

Barbara Arestegui, 38, was a flight attendant from
Marstons Mills,Massachusetts.
Jeffrey Collman was a flight attendant.

Sara Low, 28, was a flight attendant from Batesville, Arkansas.

Karen Martin was a flight attendant.
Kathleen Nicosia was a flight attendant.
Betty Ong, 45, was a flight attendant from Andover, Massachusetts.

Jean Roger, 24, was a flight attendant from Longmeadow,

Dianne Snyder, 42, was a flight attendant from Westport, Massachusetts.

Madeline Sweeney, 35, was a flight attendant from
Acton, Massachusetts.

Anna Williams Allison, 48, of Stoneham, Massachusetts,
David Angell, 54, of Pasadena, California, was the creator and
executive producer of the hit NBC sitcom "Frasier."
A native of West Barrington, Rhode Island,
Angell entered the Army after graduating from college
and served at the Pentagon until 1972.
before selling a script for a TV series in 1977. In 1983,
he joined the TV series "Cheers" as a staff writer and
began working with co-supervising producers Peter Casey
and David Lee. This team formed a production company,

Lynn Angell, 45, of Pasadena, California, was the wife
of "Frasier" creator and executive producer David Angell.
The Angells were returning from a wedding
on the East Coast to attend the Emmy Awards.
Seima Aoyama
Myra Aronson, 52, of Charlestown, Massachusetts,
was a press and analyst relations manager for Compuware Corp.

Christine Barbuto, 32, of Brookline, Massachusetts,

Berry Berenson, 53, of Los Angeles, California,
was an actress and photographer.
She was the widow of actor Anthony Perkins,
who died in 1992,

Carolyn Beug, 48, of Los Angeles, California,
was traveling with her mother, Mary Wahlstrom.

Carol Bouchard, 43, of Warwick, Rhode Island,
was a Kent County Hospital emergency room secretary.

Robin Caplin was from Natick, Massachusetts.

Neilie Casey, 32, of Wellesley, Massachusetts,
Casey is survived by her husband and a 7-month-old daughter.

Jeffrey Coombs, 42, of Abington, Massachusetts,
was a security analyst for Compaq Computer.
He is survived by his wife, Christie,
and three children, Meagan, 10; Julia, 7; and Matt, 12.

Tara Creamer, 30, of Worcester, Massachusetts,
Creamer is survived by her husband, John,
and two children, Colin, 4, and Nora, 1.

Thelma Cuccinello, 71, was a Wilmot, New Hampshire,
resident with 10 grandchildren.
She was on her way to visit a sister in California.

Patrick Currivan
Andrew Curry Green was from Chelmsford, Massachusetts.
Brian Dale, 43, of Warren, New Jersey,
David DiMeglio was from Wakefield, Massachusetts.

Donald Ditullio, 49, was from Peabody, Massachusetts.

Albert Dominguez, 66, was a baggage handler for
Qantas Airways in Sydney, Australia.
He was traveling on holiday at the time of his death.
He was married with four children.

Alex Filipov, 70, was an electrical engineer from Concord,

Carol Flyzik, 40, was from Plaistow, New Hampshire.

Paul Friedman
Karleton D.B. Fyfe, 31, of Brookline, Massachusetts,
Peter Gay, 54, of Tewksbury, Massachusetts,

Linda George, 27, of Westboro, Massachusetts,
George is survived by her father, mother, sister and brother.
She was engaged to be married.

Edmund Glazer, 41, of Los Angeles, California,
. Glazer was survived by his wife, Candy, and son, Nathan.

Lisa Fenn Gordenstein, 41, of Needham, Massachusetts,
Gordenstein is survived by her husband and two children.

Paige Farley Hackel, 46, was a spiritual adviser from Newton,

Peter Hashem, 40, was an engineer from Tewksbury, Massachusetts.

Robert Hayes
Ted Hennessey, 35, was a consultant from Belmont, Massachusetts.

John Hofer
Cora Holland, 52, of Sudbury, Massachusetts,
Nicholas Humber, 60, of Newton, Massachusetts,
was the owner of Brae Burn Management.

John Jenkins
Charles Jones, 48, was a computer programmer from Bedford,

Robin Kaplan, 33, of Westboro, Massachusetts,
Barbara Keating, 72, was from Palm Springs, California.

David Kovalcin, 42, of Hudson, New Hampshire,
Judy Larocque, 50, of Framingham, Massachusetts,
Jude Larson, 31, was from Los Angeles, California.

Natalie Larson was from Los Angeles, California.

N. Janis Lasden, 46, of General Electric was from Peabody,

Daniel John Lee, 34, was from Los Angeles, California.

Daniel C. Lewin, 31,
Susan MacKay, 44, of Westford, Massachusetts,
was an employee of TJX Cos.,

Chris Mello, 25, was a financial analyst with Alta Communications
from Boston. He graduated from Princeton University
with a degree in psychology.
He is survived by his parents, Douglas and Ellen Mello of Rye, New York;
a brother, John Douglas Mello of New York City;
and his paternal grandmother, Alice Mello,
of Barefoot Bay, Florida.

Jeff Mladenik, 43, of Hinsdale, Illinois, was the interim president
at E-Logic.

Antonio Montoya
Carlos Montoya

Laura Lee Morabito, 34, was the Qantas Airways
She lived in Framingham, Massachusetts, with her husband.
She was traveling on company business at the time of her death.

Mildred Naiman was from Andover, Massachusetts.

Laurie Neira
Renee Newell, 37, of Cranston, Rhode Island,
was a customer service agent with American Airlines.

Jacqueline Norton, 60, was a retiree from Lubec, Maine.
She was traveling with her husband, Robert Norton.

Robert Norton, 82, was a retiree from Lubec, Maine.
Jane Orth, 49, of Haverhill, Massachusetts,
was retired from Lucent Technology.

Thomas Pecorelli, 31, of Los Angeles, California,
was a cameraman for Fox Sports and E! Entertainment Television.

Sonia Morales Puopolo, 58, of Dover, Massachusetts,
was a retired ballet dancer.

David Retik was from Needham, Massachusetts.
He is survived by his wife, Susan and their two children, Ben and Molly
Philip Rosenzweig of Acton, Massachusetts,
was an executive with Sun Microsystems.

Richard Ross, 58, of Newton, Massachusetts,
headed his own management consulting company, the Ross Group.

James Roux, 43, was a lawyer from Portland, Maine.

Jessica Sachs, 22, of Billerica, Massachusetts
Rahma Salie, 28, was from Boston.

Heather Smith, 30, of Beacon Capital Partners was from Boston.
Douglas Stone, 54, was from Dover, New Hampshire.
Xavier Suarez
Michael Theodoridis, 32, was a consultant from Boston.
James Trentini, 65, was a retired teacher and assistant principal
from Everett, Massachusetts.

Mary Trentini, 67, was a retired secretary from Everett,

Mary Wahlstrom, 75, of Kaysville, Utah, was traveling with her
daughter, Carolyn Beug. They had gone to Boston
to drop off relatives at a nearby college
and were returning home.

Kenneth Waldie, 46, of Methuen, Massachusetts, was a Raytheon Co.
John Wenckus, 46, was a tax consultant from Torrance, California.

Candace Lee Williams, 20, was a student from Danbury, Connecticut.

Christopher Zarba, 47, of Hopkinton, Massachusetts,
was a softwareengineer at Concord Communications.
He leaves behind a wife and family.
He would have been 48 on September 15.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Today's date is

Page Created SEPT 14th 2001

Sarah McLaughlin
" In The Arms Of An Angel"

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