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Slave Quotes

He is Master and I am slave.
He is owner and I am owned.
He commands and I obey.
He is to be pleased and I am to please.
Why is this?
Because he is Master and I am slave.

Explorers of Gor, page 178

" 'Will you truly be hard with me, Master?' I asked. 'Yes, Slave,' he said. 'Subject even to discipline, if I displease you?' I asked. 'Subject to discipline, at my pleasure, whether you displease me or not,' he said. 'My bondage will then be absolute,' I said. 'Of course, Slave,' he said."

Slave Girl of Gor, page 445

Perhaps it should only be added that the Gorean master, though often strict, is seldom cruel. The girl knows, if she pleases him, her lot will be an easy one. She will almost never encounter sadism or wanton cruelty, for the psychological environment that tends to breed these diseases is largely absent on Gor. this does not mean that she will not expect to be beaten if she disobeys, or fails to please her Master."

Outlaw of Gor, pages 53-54

'You cannot punish me!' she cried. 'You are not my masters!' 'Any free person can punish an errant slave girl,' I said. 'Surely you do not think that her behavior fails to be subject to supervision and correction as soon as she is out of her Master's sight?'

Magicians of Gor, page 225

'One of the pleasant things about owning a slave,' I said, 'is the opportunity to converse with her, to listen to her, to hear her express herself, her feelings and ideas. One can learn much from a slave. Many slaves, like yourself, are highly intelligent. They can express themselves articulately, clearly, trenchantly, and lyrically. It is a great pleasure to talk with them.' 'Then when one wishes,' I said, 'one puts them again on their knees.'

Beasts of Gor

'There is a difference' laughed Hassan, 'between the pride of a free woman and the pride of the slave girl. The pride of a free woman is the pride of a woman who feels herself to be the equal of a man. The pride of the slave girl is the pride of the girl who knows that no other woman is the equal of herself.'

Tribesmen of Gor, page 332-333

" All three girls, in the last week, were taught certain standard answers to certain standard questions put to them by Flaminius, whether they agreed with them or not. These questions, to which simple, standard, memorized answers were to be promptly volunteered, were put to them over and over, until they, evin Phyllis, responded without thinking. Certain of these questions and answers, suggesting their nature, would be:
    Q: What are you?
    A: I am a slave girl.
    Q: What is a slave girl?
    A: A girl who is owned.
    Q: Why do you wear a brand?
    A: To show that I am owned.
    Q: Why do you wear a collar?
    A: That men may know who owns me.
    Q: What does a slave girl want more than anything?
    A: To please men.
    Q: What are you girl?
    A: I am a slave girl.
    Q: What do you want more than anything?
    A: To please men.

There is, beyond these, an entire set of questions and answers, some of them considerably more detailed, and involving standard responses to simple questions pertaining to matters such as history and psychology.

Assassin of Gor, page 197-198

" Many Masters," I said, "do not permit a slave to so much as touch money. To be sure, they might let her carry cions in an errand capsule, or an errand sack, tied about her neck, instructions to a vendor perhaps also contained within it, her hands braceleted behind her."

Renegades of Gor, page 122

Similarly in many cities a slave may be slain, or her hands cut off, for so much as touching a weapon. "Doubtless you would expect her, from time to time," he said, "to handle utensils, to serve, for example, in kitchens." "She is not yet branded and collared." I said.

Vagabonds of Gor, page 315

"Forgive me, Master," I whispered. "Once this evening," said he, "you, a slave, addressed me by my name, rather than as 'Master.' "Forgive me, Master," I said. I trembled. I recalled I had cried out, "I love you, Clitus Vitellius!" How foolish I had been. It was a girl's mistake. It would not go unnoticed.

Slave Girl of Gor, page 438

In some cities , including Ar, an unchained male slave is almost never seen; there are, incidentally, far fewer male slaves than female slaves; a captured female is almost invariably collared; a captured male is almost invariably put to the sword.

Assassins of Gor, page 51

"Gorean men do not surrender their birthright as males, their rightful dominance, their appropriate mastery. They do not choose to be dictated to by females."

Magicians of Gor, page 51

"Some girls knowing how desirable this can make them, beg their master to have their ears pierced. The piercing of the ears is not only symbolic and aesthetic to the master and the slave but it can be tactually arousing, as well, playing with the earring, the girl feeling it brush the side of her cheek or neck, and so on. "

Blood Brothers of Gor, page 336

"Do you think a girl such as you, so soft and beautiful, with your slave reflexes, can ever be anything but a slave on this world." "No," I said bitterly. "And your ears are pierced," she said. I tossed my head. "I know," I said. That in itself I knew would be enough to keep me a slave on Gor. I would always be a slave on Gor."

Slave Girl of Gor, pg 302

"The piercing of the ears is far more terrible," said Ute. "Nose rings are nothing. They are even pretty. In the south even the free women of the Wagon Peoples wear nose rings." She held me more closely. "Even free women in the south," she insisted, "the free women of the Wagons Peoples, wear nose rings." She kissed me. "Besides," she said, "it may be removed, and no one will ever know that you wore it. It will not show." Then Ute's eyes clouded with tears. I looked at the tiny steel rods holding open the wounds in her ears. "But only slave girls," she wept, "have their ears pierced." She wept. "How can I ever hope to become a Free Companion," she wept. "What man would want a woman with the pierced ears of a slave girl? And if I were not veiled, anyone might look upon me, and laugh, and scorn me, seeing that my ears have been pierced, as those of a slave girl!"

Captive of Gor, page 166

" The first Gorean words the Earth girl had been taught, and she had learned them in the pens of Samos of Port Kar, were "La Kajira," which means "I am a slave girl."

Tribesmen of Gor, page 74

"What is to be done with us?" demanded Verna.
"Curiosity," said Marlenus, "is not becoming in a Kajira.
You might be beaten for it."

"I think it is true," I said, "that it is generally the most beautiful and desirable women who are the slaves, but I will tell you something you may find of interest." "What is that?" she asked. "Slavery itself," I said, "often makes a woman more beautiful and desirable. It removes tensions. It removes inhibitions. It makes women happy. It is hard, I think, sometimes, for a woman who is happy not to be beautiful. Sometimes Goreans ask, is she a slave because she is beautiful, or beautiful because she is a slave?"

Beasts of Gor, pgs 246-247

The collar is put on from without, but what it encircles comes from within. Slavery, true slavery, comes from within.

Savages of Gor, pg 210

"Do you think you will have an easy slavery with me?" he asked. "No, Master," she said. "You are right," he said. "Your slavery will be a full slavery." "I desire no other," she said, turning her head to face him. I could smell the heat of her.

Explorers of Gor, pg 276