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Welsh Karate Association Competitions

Completed Entry Forms & Payment Should Be Returned (Only) To:-

(New Return's Address)
Welsh Karate Association
c/o Pauline Croot
17 Grassholme Grds

Phone/Fax: 01792 412275

Also See "Entry Form" Page


Junior & Senior

See Above List

Kumite & Kata (At WKA HQ) 

W.K.A. Senior and Junior Squads Go into Europe at Least Three Times a Year
Junior Squad, Under 16 Years  -  Senior Squad, Over 16 Years



The aim of the W.K.A Squads is to promote the Association at Local, National and International competitions.

The Squad sessions are open to all members who hold a current WKA Licence and are for the benefit of all members whether interested in serious competition or in obtaining and gaining knowledge of fighting techniques.

The Squads will meet on the Dates decided by the Squad Coach and Team Manager and as necessary for the chosen competitions.

Selections will be at the sole discretion of the Squad Coach and Team manager with Squad attendance being the prominent factor. No member is allowed to be selected unless they have fulfilled the student requirement.

WKA members will give priority to association events. Selection to WKGB will be via the WKA Squad.

Karateka outside the W.K.A will be allowed to train with Squad only with the prior permission of the Chief Instructor and Squad Coaches and must hold a recognised Licence.

Non WKA members may be selected to WKA Squads with Chief Instructor approval.

WKA members may not represent any other Associations events without prior consent from the Technical Committee.

Selected members are personally responsible for making themselves available for required events, and for notifying the Squad Coach, Team Manager, Secretary or Chief Instructor at the earliest possible time if they are unable to attend. Failure to do so will make that member liable to the WKA for the full cost of any losses incurred by the WKA   Reasonable excuse of absence will only be accepted if a letter is produced on or before the date of the Squad session.

Selected members will note that they are representatives of their Association and at times their Country, and will behave in a manner becoming this position.  e.g. displaying self discipline and etiquette.

Students that are placed while representing the WKGB at the European Championships, or World Championships may be eligible for a Sports Council Grant.

Please Note. To be eligible for selection, Brown belts and Above and the Kata Squad members must train with the Chief Instructor at least once a month.

Don't Waste Blood at a Kumite Tournament, Give It Voluntarily

National Blood Service

Tele. 0845  77  11  711


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