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The AIT Team.

Jud Evans.

Born in Liverpool in 1935 Jud Evans lives in Lancashire, England. He is happily married to Clare. “We both lost our previous partners through cancer. We’ve three boys: Cameron 5 and Connor 3 and little Marius 2." He and his wife are both vegetarians. Jud also has another five children from his first marriage. He used to write a lot in his youth. Mainly poetry. In the seventies, he wrote a book, which was published in hardback and sold well. It was a history of the development of Military Tank Landing Craft, a rather esoteric subject, he admits. “It was mainly of interest to those who took part in the D-Day landings. I was so driven and ambitious in those days, I sacrificed my love of writing to pour all my energies into the establishment and maintenance of my various businesses. I had an art company, two floating nightclubs and a Comet Jet Airliner converted into a restaurant plus a hotel in Turkey." Jud went to Liverpool University in his early 40s and took linguistics and English Language, though he is mainly self-taught. He speaks Swedish. "Now I have returned to my first love - writing and the study of how language works."

Jon Neivens.

Jon Neivens was born in 1964 in London, which is where he now lives. "I enjoy the mess and chaos of a big city," he says "and find this an especially useful environment when attempting to build tidy theories in philosophy. The fact that people themselves aren't necessarily tidy isn't something that should be bracketed out when thinking about how the mind works." He started out as a conceptual artist, completing a BA at Chelsea School of Art in 1992. "I was really more interested in the ideas from which the artworks came, and attempting to make pieces that reflected this." With this in mind, he returned to Chelsea to do an MA in History and Theory of Modern Art, which he completed in 1996. "At this point the art had dropped out of the process altogether, or rather the pieces became the ideas themselves. But when it comes to philosophy, I find this background in practical aesthetics very useful." All told, he has spent the last eight years reading and writing on philosophy, particularly phenomenology, philosophy of mind, and logic. His main areas of interest include Greek philosophy and history, as well as Kant and Wittgenstein. But he adds that "when it comes to particular philosophers, I'm more interested in whether their ideas provide useful guidelines for my own thinking than in the minutia of interpretation." Jon Neivens is currently campaigning for the revival of several ancient Anglo-Saxon beer drinking rituals.
