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In Memory of Erlinda Batang


This website was designed as an online photo album dedicated to my hobby...the automobile.

 Within this site you will see photos I'ved taken from shows, events, and get togethers (GTG)

as well as cars driven by my family, relatives, friends and myself. Enjoy!


Welcome to

Anthony's Auto

Photo Album


Below are some photos of all the VW's Lourdes's & I have owned


1983 Rabbit GTi - Cashmere White

1984 Jetta GLi - Alpine White        

1984 Jetta GLi - Mars Red             

1986 GTi - Tornado Red                 

1991 Jetta GL - Alpine White         

1991 Jetta GLi 16V - Alpine White 

1996 Jetta GLS - Candy White       


Photo Gallery



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