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Fiero Winter Projects
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Fiero Winter Projects
1986 Pontiac Fiero Pictures

Last Updated:
Friday May 21, 2004

Here are some miscellaneous shots of my Fiero.  Click the pictures to enlarge them.

No body panels on the front.

Passenger side front rust & damage.

It looked like something backed into this corner of my Fiero sometime. It's bumper was higher than my Fiero's bumper, because it was damaged only above the absorber, like something scraped over it.

Passenger side front rust & damage.

Priming the front corner.

Priming the front bumper absorber mount.

Painting the front corner.

Painting the front absorber mount.

Passenger side trunk rust in trunk.

Drivers side trunk rust in trunk.

Under the rear drivers side inner fender.

Undercoated under the drivers side inner fender.

Undercoated rusty part of front suspesnion.