NOTE: experiencing troubles with the layout. Please be patient and it will be fixed ASAP!!!
Welcome to Black Moon, a fanlisting for the luv between demon lord Raenef and Eclipse. OBVIOUSLY this is one of my fanlistings dedicated to Demon Diaries, and it is also OBVIOUS that this is the first on the entire web! ^_^ yay! The first Demon Diaries website, however, would be LunaPokema's Shrine Aye, she beat me to it. ^_^;
The only part I had in this layout was the blackness (woo look at it) and the image. I found this layout on daydreamgraphics, and last night (August 5th, I believe) it took me three hours to get it all lined up, so I am NOT going to mess with it any more and I am NOT going to make it black. (credits are placed in the appropriate section to the right) Anything else you may need to know is in the 'about' section. So what are you waiting for? Go get started! Links to the right!
Vol. 1 - Gods and demons wage a never-ending battle with the mortal realm as their battlefield. As is the case with most longstanding fueds, the reasons are no longer important--hatred has become a way of life. But it's said that one will arise to restore harmony between gods and demons. Enter Raenef, heir to demon royalty, though he is hardly courtly material. The demon king assigns the wise and noble demon teacher Eclipse to whip him into proper demon shape. Raenef is the black sheep of the demon court, clueless about magic and royal etiquette. But before long, Raenef and Eclipse find that the bonds of their friendship grow stronger than the student/teacher relationship.
Vol. 2 - After failing his tutor, Eclipse, and sparing the life of an enemy (very un-demonlike!), younf Raenef decides to leave his homeland until he's become a real demon lord. But life in the big, bad world isn't easy for an unskilled demon. Raenef has a few close calls before stumbling upon the temple of Rased, where he meets someone who wants nothing more than to see Reanef dead. Luckily, Raenef isn't the only one still in training...
Vol. 3 - (Street Date: 9/9/03) Eclipse recalls the first time he met Raenef and realizes that the life of a demon lord is fraught with peril. Demons are feared and hated by most of humanity due to their arrogance and willingness to use their powers for personal gain. Although Raenef is not your typical Demon Lord, his heritage and good-natured demeanor make him an easy target for an assassin.
Vol. 4 - (Street Date: 11/04/03) The powerful and imposing Krayon, (I simply MUST intervene right here with my reaction upon reading this: NYAAAA HAHAHAHAHAHHAHH! HIS NAME IS CRAYON! AS IN THE COLORING STICKIES!! BWAAAAA HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!! HAHAHA! HAHAHHAAH! POWERFUL... IMPOSING.... CRAYON!!!!! T_T; Yes. I am a freak. Oooga. Booga. ^_~) one of the five oldest demons, appears in the Demon Lord's castle with a dangerous challenge --- he wants to see if young Raenef truly is worthy heir to demon royalty. When Chris sense tremendous power coming from Krayon, who has a long, mysterious history with Eclipse, it is apparent that Krayon's real motives might not be entirely geniune. When Eclipse is confronted with the question of loyalty, which master will he choose to serve? And will Raenef, Erutis, and Chris be able to fight the good fight?