The whole idea for a fanlisting was created by Janine, of There are thousands of different fanlistings for people, places, things and concepts. They're individual lists of fans who like that certain subject. It is a place for all fans of that particular subject to come together and build the biggest listing of people from all around the world who are fans of that subject. If you want to know more, check out the official fanlistings site.
This particular fanlisting is for fans of the pairing between Demon Diaries characters Eclipse and Raenef. To find out more information about the manga and upcoming release dates / summaries , please take a look at the bottom of our index page.
You may be wondering about this layout. It's very red, pinkie, white, yet labelled "Black Moon". Well, every season, I plan on making a new layout for the fanlisting. This is the summer layout entitled 'Blood Red Devotion.' ... "Black Moon" is the name of the whole site, and that wont change while BRD is just the layouts' title and will change often. Get it? ^_^
YOu may also be wondering why I called it just "Black Moon", which describes Eclipse and not Raenef. Ummmm... that's ... uhh... cuz... ummm... ^^; Doesn't Black moon sound so much cooler than "Black Moon and Demon Kid - Luv Forever" ?? ehheh.. eheh... *sigh* I can tell that you can easily see I just made that up. I have no clue why I left Raeneffie out of the title! Sorry! ^_^;
Awwe! You wanna know about me? Well fine, I guess not. T_T'. Well, I'm gunna fill up space anyhow. I don't like shounen ai in real life (and I hate shoujo ai in every way). However, in anime and manga, BISHounen ai is pretty, and I luv it. Cuz it's pretty. I guess. Yep. I only like the anime Gravitation and the manga Demon diaries (duh), so I'm not that big on yaoi anime. I'm not experienced enough with it to say that I hate it. Ah well...
My name is Lyn, you may call me Lyn, Fluffy, MewMew, RDQ, or Rubberduckyqueen. MewMewLyn works also. I am 14 Years old, native to Connecticut, USA. I am 1/3 English (yay! <3 orlando bloom <3), 1/6 polish, 1/6 german, 1/6 italian, and 1/6 irish. Not that anyone CARES. *shrug* just email me more questions to answer here and the more I'll shut up. ^_~ I've got blond hair, blue eyes, contacts probably by the end of the month i think, skinny and I am about 5'2". I'll be entering into my freshman year when school-time dreadfully comes 'round and *sob* someone PLEASE shoot me before I have to be a high schooler *tears* ;_;