To those without a Website: read rules up to and including #4
To those with a website: ALL rules apply to you.
1.) You must be a fan of Demon Diaries, and you must have a tendency to drool at the sight of either Eclipse, Raenef, or both of them together. (if not, why are you here?!?!!)
2.) A valid location MUST be submitted, as it is required by theFanlistings, and a valid email will be required as well.
3.) To verify that you have read these rules or at least scanned through them, where it says "Cupcakes?" type in "Purple Turtles from Mordor sing for Flapjacks"
4.) Last rule for you (if you dont submit a site). YAY! You do not need to submit a real name. I myself am a HUUUGE fan of all my alteregos. However, if you put PrincessHottie19428, ~*~^_^~*~, 62374, or xX491_2000Xx I will not add you, but email you and demand a better name. (i made those up, you know, but if your "name" classifies as something junky like that, then i wont bother with you)
5.) BEFORE you join, please make sure you put up the code FIRST. If it is not up by the time I recieve and have read your application, I will not link to your site. The code should be within 3 clicks, and if not, simply give me the URL of where you have posted it.
6.) No hentai/porn/PG-13 or higher sites. This fanlisting is for everyone who likes this relationship of our wonderful manga Demon Diaries. Some people, like myself, are apposed to profanity, hentai, porn, and the lot. It's just gross and we don't wanna support that in any way.
Got it? Good. ^_^ Move ahead to JOIN or Get yourself a CODE