This is my page for my sweet boy, Aron. He's my little "sweetums"! He was born February 23, 1998 at 5:44 pm. He weighed 8 lbs 6 oz and was 20 inches long. I was in labor for 9 hours before he was born. I was induced the day after my due date because of Toxemia.
He is a very special little boy to all of his family, and he is a very well behaved little boy. I have watched him grow from a beautiful baby to a smart, energetic and adorable toddler and now to an indepentdent, sometimes trying preschooler...but I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world!
Aron's favorite shows are Pokemon, Bob The Builder, Rugrats, and Disney movies. Visit our Blues Clues Page here. His favorite color is green. He likes to spend his time coloring, playing with toy cars, and building with lego.
Aron is in Playgroup, and loving it! He's made lots of friends. He is also in soccer, you can see some pictures from this year and last year here.
I have decided, for the sake of loading time, to link to the pictures instead. But I will leave Aron's most recent pictures here. Click on the links below to see the others.
This one was taken just after Aron's 5th birthday.
Aron's watching "Road to Eldorado" while I was painting the living room. Taken early April 2003.
This one was taken April 2003....he's just being a ham!
Aron's newest picture...taken July, 2002, 4 and a half years old.
Aron holding Racheal for the first time.
Aron pulling eric around in the wagon! Taken May 2001
Aron's "stage" the one on Blue's Taken June 2001
Aron Fixing his bike! Taken July 2001
This picture was taken April 26, 2001
Aron with his bunny from Gramma Leona and Grampa Gerry.
I was teaching Aron how to throw snowballs after our first snowfall of 99. It backfired!
Aron and his "happycakes". He had lots of fun helping mommy bake them.
This is my favorite picture of Aron. He loves to wear daddy's hat and his boots, if not much else!
Aron liked to investigate all the baby things when Eric arrived.
I adopted this Cherished Teddy to live on Aron's Page.
Click on the certificate to get one for your page.
Unfortunately, this link no longer works. If you know of the new one, please email me (Link below)
This is Aron's Birthday Bear.
This is where I got him!