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Our Little Girl!

Our little girl joined our family on April 12, 2002 at 1:50 pm after 4 hours of labour. She weighed 8 lbs 7 oz, and measured 20.5 inches. She has blue eyes and light brown hair, but it looks like it might just turn red!

Racheal has a very adorible smile, if I could only catch it on film! She is getting to be an active baby, she loves to crawl around. She loves to cuddle with her daddy, she is every bit Daddy's little girl!

At her 1 year checkup, Racheal weighed 23 lbs 7 oz and measured 28 3/4 inches...she is growing like a weed. She has been very healthy and happy...she loves to play with her brothers and watch her daddy play hockey on the PS2.
Take a look at Racheal's First Birthday here!

She loves to have her picture taken! We went to Walmart in early May, and she couldn't get enough of the camera! There are some verrry adorible pictures that came out of that session!

Racheal reading the paper with Great-Gramma at Aron's birthday, February 2003

Having cake at Aron's party!

Looking at her Birthday cards!

Racheal with her bear from us and in her dress from Gramma Sue...awwwwwww....

Racheal at Aron's first soccer game of 2003.

Racheal's first professional picture!

The three lil' angels together!

Here is Rae, Joe and I right after she was born...daddy's already crazy about her!

Here is Rae at home her first day...just relaxing!

Rae in a cool dress on the first really warm day of her life...she's out grown it already! :-( (taken in April 2002)

All tuckered month old here!

Here is racheal with mommy, Great Gramma Vi, and Gramma Leona...4 generations of girls!

This is Racheal's Angel Bear from...

This baby mouse and her doll house are from...

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