
Alonzo. *swoon!* He is one of my favorite toms. And he's my mate. Yeah thats right, my mate! I took the mate quiz, and he's MINE! *grins happily* So anyway, Alonzo is a black in white tom who to me, looks kind of like a flirty tom. In most of the video he is with Cassandra (Hmmph...) but he is also seen with Jemima, Etcetera, and Victoria. (I myself am a huge Lonzo/Jem fan.)One word: Playah!! Anywho, I think he is the second-commander-in-training, underneath Munkustrap, of corse, and he fight Macavity in the fight scene. He is paired with Cassandra in the mating dance (who is worthy enough of him, I guess...)And thats all I have to say.

Are you cock of the walk....

aaaaw! What a cutie!!
