Jellicle Tails ~Whats a Pollicle?~

'No, I dun' wanna give it b'ck!' Rumpelteazer cried as Mungojerrie tried to pull a pearl necklace from her grasp. ''Sides, ye jus' want it fer yeself!' 'Fine,' Mungojerrie said calmly as he let go. She tumbled head over heels and the necklace slid across the floor. Mungojerrie laughed and lept over Teazer at the pearls. She reached out and grabbed his leg. He fell flat on his face and growled. They both began tackling eachother. They stopped at Alonzo's voice. 'You two are JUST like kittens!' They smiled at each other and pounced on Alonzo. 'Ow!' He tried to get away, but they held on to him. He smiled, and finally slipped quickly out from under them into the garbage on the sides. Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer collapsed on each other. They both layed on theur backs and breathed heavily, but contently. Then covered each other with kisses. 'O! O! Kitten eyes!' Tandilana walked past them with her paws over her eyes. Mungo and Teazer rolled their eyes and laughed when Tammy ran into a box and fell over. 'That's what you can expect from a Raven,' Jellylorum said, arm in arm with Asparagus. She never did accept Tammy, and didn't intend to. She didn't like the fact that a Raven was now a Jellicle. 'Give her a break, Jell,' Asparagus said. She pulled her arm away from him. 'Don't call me that, and no. She will always be a Raven to me.' Tandilana looked to the ground. Then, Pouncival fell from the sky and landed perfectly in from of Jellylorum. She jumped in surprise. Pounce, Asparagus and Tammy snickered. Jellylorum gave Gus a horrible look and he immediatly stopped. Pouncival walked over to Tandilana and grabbed her paw. She looked up at him, confused. 'What?' She asked. He pulled her up and twirled her. 'Let's practice for the Jellicle Ball.' She giggled and danced with Pouncival, who wasn't very good. Pouncival let go of Tammy for a little bit to dance on his own, but stopped when he saw Bombalurina right in front of him. 'Dancing with someone else, I see?' She grinned at her mate. 'Only until you got here.' He bowed and put his paw out for her. She accepted it and they danced perfectly together. Tandilana cowered off into a corner. Bomby smiled triumphantly. *She better stay away from MY Pouncival* she thought viciously. Jellylorum leaned towards Asparagus. 'He's too young for her, but it's better than that heathen.' Gus just rolled his eyes and pecked her on the cheek. 'You were always the one for gossip,' he said, not entirely meanly. After Pouncival and Bombalurina danced for a while, Fombulabri came out and joined them. She twirled around carelessly. Pouncival laughed. Bombalurina gave her infamous glare. Rum Tum Tugger walked out slowly and tapped Bomby on the shoulder. 'May I have this dance?' She peered over at Pounce, who was twirling along with Bri, turned back to Tugger and nodded. 'Of course.' And the two began dancing the part that they always danced together at the Jellicle Ball. Fombulabri grabbed Pouncival and spun him so hard, he fell to the ground. 'Sorry.' She helped him up and he pushed her down. He lept on top of her and they wrestled and giggled. Bombalurina would have been jealous, if she wasn't having so much fun with Tugger. Blaizerette came out with Jemima and sat close to Jellylorum and Gus. They watched as the kittens made fools of themselves. Pouncival turned to see Bri's foot kicking he tail. She tried to poke him in the neck, but he moved, so she got his eye. He put his paw over it as if to be in pain. Bri reached over to see if he was okay, but he poked her in the eye. They began poking eachother ruthlessly. Blaize and Jemima laughed along with them. They all stopped when a tear-jerking scream was heard from behind the junk. After a moments confusion and silence, Tandilana came crashing through clumsily. She landed in Fombulabri's arms and panted heavily. 'Pollicles!' She barely gasped. 'In the junkyard.' Bri noticed that her left ear was injured. All the cats clamboured high apon the trash to stay out of the dogs' reach. Just as they were all safely high, three huge, hairy dogs stomped into the clearing, searching for the creatures which they could smell the scent of. Fombulabri hissed. She looked at Bombalurina, who nodded. They lept on two of the Pollicles' backs, which surprised them. One gave a yelp of terror. They clawed and growled at the beasts. Fombulabri was sinking her teeth into one's back, when a free one batted her with it's gigantic paw. She was flung into a wall and landed with a loud thump, causing her to faint. Pouncival and Tugger quickly hoisted her up to safety, before the dog could get to her. Bomby had injured one dog so much, it limped away, whimpering and yelping in pain. She stood tall and triumphantly. She didn't see the big slobbering dog running toward her until he was right in front of her. She ducked just in time, and the pollicle was caught off gaurd. He fell on his chin and slid into the other, already bitten dog. They both repeated the first dog's actions. Bomby brushed dirt from her shoulders as if it were no big deal. She loved saving everyone. Jellylorum finally let out her breath. 'Thank you, Bomby.' Bomby acknowledged her with a simple nod. 'And I'll thank Fombulabri later, when she's conscious.' Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer, who had fallen asleep before the attack, still lay contently in each other's arms on the old tire. 'How do that do that?' Gus motioned towards the two. Jellylorum looked at them, tilted her head, and shrugged. Bombalurina looked up at the sky. Tandilana followed her gaze to the almost full moon. 'Almost time for the Jellicle Ball. Just a few more days.' Tugger woke Mungo and Rumpelteazer. They all went to their dens to sleep, Tugger following Blaizerette with Fombulabri in his arms, to their den, with Pouncival not fair behind.

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