Jellicle Tails ~The Conjurer and the Tuvi!~

Blaizerette was awakened by Fombulabri's constant mewing in her sleep. 'Bri?' She was startled when Bri jerked her head up. 'Mist!' She cried. 'What?' Blaize crawled over to her twin. Fombulabri shook her head. 'Nothing. I was just dreaming.' She hugged her sister and they both fell asleep, cuddling. Not for long, though, for Pouncival was soon to live up to his name. He fell through a pipe up high, right between the unexpectant twins. They both growled. 'Pouncival!' They screaming in unison. 'You know, for twins, you sure don't look alike.' Bri ignored his comment and swiped at him. He rolled easily out of the way. She was too tired to try any harder. Blaizerette finally rolled over and stood up. She saw movement in the corner of her eye, but it was just the cloth hanging over the door. It took her a while, but Fombulabri finally woke up and went outside with Blaize. Everyone was gathered around on the garbage around Old Deuteronomy, sleeping in eachother's arms - Demeter and Munkustrap, Etcetera and Plato, Skimbleshanks and Jennyanydots, Alonzo and Cassandra,and Gus and Jellylorum. Bri looked at them all and smiled. Blaizerette looked at her. 'What?' She glanced at her sister. 'They are so happy.' 'Yeah,' Blaize sighed. 'Blaize, you'll find somebody. Besides, you're too young. it's not like we have to find mates NOW.' 'I know, but it would just be neat, Blaizerette protested. 'Besides, the only problem you have is choosing which one of the Toms you like.' Bri blushed. 'Yeah, well...' she was interupted by Pouncival running through the relaxing duos, with pearls around his neck. Chasing him was Mungo and Teazer. The cats groaned tiredly. 'Come back! Those 'er 'ars!' The theives were half laughing, half serious. Pouncival just laughed and continued running. He looked back at them, a huge grin on his face, but when he turned around, Fombulabri was in front of him. She had climbed down to help Mungojerrie and Teazer. He tried to stop, but his unsuccessful attempt caused him to crash into her. She didn't expect him to knock her over. When Teazer and Mungo reached them, they were giggling hysterically. Mungo reached and plucked the necklace from Pouncival. 'Ye' li'ol thief!' Teazer put her paw on Mungojerrie's shoulder. 'We din't exactly buy this erselves, Mungo.' Mungo just shrugged and placed the pearls around his Queen's neck. Bri was busy smiling at the two, so Pouncival took the opportunity. He leaned in and kissed her. He was surprised to find that she didn't struggle. 'Hey, guys!' They jumped and looked up. In the centre of the Junkyard, Admetus was wanting everyone's attention. 'Misto's back!' 'Misto?' Fombulabri asked. 'Yeah, Mistoffelees. He's the magical cat, and my friend.' Pouncival stood up and, with Bri following, greeted Mistoffelees. *A magical cat?* she thought. 'Pounce!' Misto hugged his friend, the rest of the Jellicles and stopped when he saw the three new kittens. He stooped short. He stared at the black and orange striped cat who he had never seen before. She was the most beautiful Queen he had ever seen. 'And who, may I ask, are you?' Alonzo walked up behind Bri and put his arm around her. 'Too late, Misto. Bri here is already taken.' Cassandra followed Alonzo, and pecked him on the cheek. 'And, if I'm not mistaken, so are you.' 'Not completely.' She let go of his arm and punched his shoulder. Mistoffelees quickly changed the subject. 'So, Bri, is it? And the rest of...' 'Actually, it's Fombulabri. My friend is Tandilana and my sister is Blaizerette.' 'Nice to meet you all. You're all Jellicles?' They nodded. He took Bri's paw and gently kissed it. Pouncival jumped and grabbed Misto's arm. 'Yeah, uh, welcome back, Misto.' Mistoffelees shrugged and looked at the other two kittens. He put his hands together and when he pulled them apart, flowers appeared. He quickly grabbed them and handed them to Tandilana. Blaize plucked one from her and smelled it. Tandilana just stood, grinning at Misto. He was handsome and Bri agreed. 'Grrrr!' Fombulabri was not so threatening against Alonzo's masculin form. He laughed and growled back. She batted at and missed. She trilled joyfully. He reached out, grabbed her and kissed her. Cassandra walk up and 'cleared her throat'. The two stopped kissing and Alonzo bit his lip. 'Sorry,' Bri whispered. Cassie patted her shoulder. 'It's alright. Your not the only one. And it's not as if he belongs to me.' Alonzo smiled and hugged Cassandra. She grabbed his face and kissed him. Fombulabri decided to slip away. 'Geese, Bri. How many Toms are you gonna kiss?' Bri rolled her eyes at Tandilana. 'Well, not every Tom, anyway.' Munkustrap rested his arm on Tammy's shoulder. Tammy laughed. 'That could change.' 'I don't think so.' Demter kissed Munkustrap. They all heard clapping and giggling and turned around to see Misto doing tricks for Jemima, Etcetera and Electra. Bri and Tammy looked at each other and ran over to join them. Misto noticed the two and put his paw out, palm up and blew sparkles on the best friends. They giggled and threw some sparkles at each other. Etcetera crawled up onto the tire with Mistoffelees. He put his arm around her and laughed at Jemima and Electra, who now tackling one another. Fombulabri and Tammy joined in. They got a little rough, and Electra accidentally clawed Bri's arm. They all stopped when she screamed in pain and clutched her arm. Misto jumped down, knocking over Etcetera, to Bri. He pulled her paw off her shoulder to heal her, but he didn't see a scratch or anything. Fombulabri also stared in amazement. 'But, I, Elec...' Misto looked at the ground. 'Yeah, she did.' He pointed at a blood spot on the cround. Fombulabri just stared, jaw dropped. Etcetera punched Misto on the shoulder. 'You knocked me over!' 'Sorry, 'Cety. Bri was hurt, but there was no wound.' Etcetera jumped on Bri and examined her arm. She struggled and pushed 'Cety off of her. 'Has anything like this ever happened before?' Misto asked. Bri shook her head. 'Not that I remember.' 'She has been mumbling in her sleep about some thing that's going to happen from weird dreams.' 'Oh, yeah,' Bri said, under her breath. Misto nodded. 'What is it?' 'I think you're magical, like me. But there are three kinds. The Comerins - who are the weakest kind. The Dai Shans. They are like prophets, only allowed to use magic when necessary and the Bitterns, which is what I am. We are the strongest kind.' Fombulabri became entranced by his knowledge. 'Ah, but Mr. Mistoffelees, you're forgetting one.' Old Deutronomy decended from the tattered staircase. Everyone bowed slightly, except for Bri. 'Mr?' She gave a curious look at him. 'Yeah, my name is actually Quaxo.' He turned yo Old Deuteronomy. 'She can;t be. It's very unlikely.' Etcetera punched him yet again. 'Misto, why? And what are they?' Misto rubbed his now numb shoulder. 'First of all, Etcetera, stop punching me. And the Tuvi are not very common. Only three can exsist in the universe at the same time. Or, that's how it was when Deuteronomy was young.' Again, he turned to the leader of the Jellicles. 'Actually, now, only one. In the last decade, someone has shortened it to only one.' Deuteronomy peered at the ground. Misto looked at Bri and shook his head. 'Who?' 'We don't know.' Munkustrap, who was remaining quiet through the whole descussion, walked up next to the group. 'Could it be Bac...' Demeter sat next to Deuteronomy and laid her head on his shoulder. He patted he head. 'Possibly.' Thats all for now, more to come!

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