
Grizabella is another old crappy cat who ran away from the Jellicles to travel. I don't really know why. But then she ended up becoming a... dare I say it? whore. So when she tried to come back, they wouldn't let her, cuz she was exiled. I mean really, who wants a ho in the tribe? But in the end she goes to heavyside and lives happily ever after. I know in Memory she says "Touch me" but ACTUALLY, she was touched befor hand. twice. Pouncival scratched her, and rubbed up against her. Ha, I win! I think she was like, one of Old D's previous mates, and Munk ang Tuggers mother, which is why Old D feels so sorry for her and Munk and Tugger hate her so much. But Jemima, Victoria, and Demeter don't hate her, and in the end, it's Jem and Vic who accept her back in. I think she's the best choice to go to Heavyside, because she's been through so much. I live Griz, she's so sad, and the actress who plays her always has an AMAZING voice!

She looks so pathetic, it's so sad!


Happily Ever After!