
Gus is, once again, an old crappy cat. He was once the theatre cat, but then he got too old, so he couldn't do it anymore. And he suffers from Palsey, which makes his paws shake. Also, he obsesses about playing Fireforfiddle. I don't even know what that is!!! And why they have a song about him is beyond me. In the productions, the man who plays gus also plays Bustopher Jones and someone else, I just can't remember right now. Also, they do a song called "Growltigers last Stand" but noooo, they couldn't do it in the video cuz John Mills was too olr... He does make a very cute gus though, I'll give him that. And he can sing pretty well for an old guy. :D I think he might be Jemimas grandfather or somthing, because she seemed to sad when he left.

He looks surprised...

Awwww! He's so cute for an old man!!

Now he looks confused.