Stop the Hate! Stop the Hate! You don't know me!

Hate sucks, yes it does. (I'm in the tolerence club at school! ^_^) Especially if it's about somthing as wonderful as CATS! I mean, it's okay to not like one charactor or somthing, but building sights on how much you detest a charactor is just wrong! I don't consider people who do that real fans. And you don't have to HATE them, just not like them as much. Comon, people! So here are some badges I got from this AWSOME sight, It's not just Victoria, I've seen some on Jemima, Cassandra, Bombalurina, and who knows how many other charactors. So I am a full supporter of stopping the hate. I hope you people are too. I would link these back to their sight, but I don't know how... *blushes* But when I learn how, I will, I promise. So please join, and show your support!! Damnit! the badges arn't working....


What would Brian Boitano do??

Comon people!