
Rumplteazer is part of a duo, which is Mungojerrie and Rumplteazer. (I'm sorry! I just couldn't resist.)She Is Mungojerrie's Sister/Friend/Mate and is too, a kleptomaniac. But she is totally cool, so thats ok. Their song is the best on in the whole show!! I think she's kinda sassy and cheeky, just like me! I kinda can't think of anything to say about her right now, even though she's my second favorite queen. I guess I'm kinda brain dead... Rumplteazer, like all the other queens, obsesses over Rum Rum Tugger, and RIGHT befor the mating dance, in the background, I think you can see them in the back, kissing. At least, i think they're kissing.... I personally think she would look totally cute with Pouncival (Even though he's Jemima's) because they're both hyper and stuff. Anyway, kittix agrees with me, so thats all that matters. In conclusion... RUMPLTEAZER ROCKS!!

AND Rumplteazer...


And there's Nothin at all to be done about that!