
Just to let you know, I like Tumblebrutus's charactor. He's perky and cute and tumbles! Also, I think he's Pouncival's brother, or best friend. But I just don't like him in the movie. I know that sounds strange, but it's true. I like him, bubt I just don't like... HIM. His voice annoys me. Thats not all, it's just... yeah. Anyway, Tumble is a cute lil kitten who's with Jemima in the mating dance, but some people *coughcoughNEMI!!cough* think he would go with Electra. I argee though, think they would look cute together. He hits on Cassandra in Thr RUm TUm Tugger though... *Snigger* I think he and Pounce are probably brothers (even though I didn't include that in Pounce's profile..) beause they both have patches over their eyes. :D Tumble's older than Pounce, but not THAT much older. So I like Tumble, but not the video Tumble. He is a really good dancer though.

Heh... Gotta admit, he is kinda wierd lookin...

Jellicle cats are not to big

There he is!