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Order of the Sable Moon History


Before the destruction of the DreamCity during the Great Loss, it is known that the Order of the Sable Moon, like the other houses, was very prominent within the Dream. After the Great Loss, Kelrith made his way back to the DreamCity, reopening House Calenture, then opening the Dreamers of Light. Soon after opening House Calenture, he underwent a journey to retrieve the powerful Orb of Calenture. Then he opened the Dreamers of Light, going out on another journey to retrieve the Dreaming Stone. These first trials of the start of re-building the grand city, along with the fact of his struggle to re-awaken, took its toll on Kelrith, making his stays within the Dream short and to the point. Soon, the first wave of Dreamers awakened, and joined the two re-opened houses. But, we look to the Order and the other houses. What will happen to them? As the houses continued to bicker and fight due to the conflict in beliefs, other DreamWrights and DreamSmiths rediscovered the awakening. Caladar, the first ruler of the Order, soon entered the Dream and with the help of the DreamWrights started to prepare the Order for re-opening. The Order soon opened its doors to the free spirits of the Dream, blocking out visits from those of other houses, except for their ambassadors. Soon, their beliefs were revealed to the Dream, but they continued to remain isolated from the other Houses’ affairs and conflicts. As the doors of the Order opened for the first time after the Great Loss, Caladar soon prepared many free spirits on the beliefs of the Order and for initiation. Soon the first of the dreamers were initiated into the Order. These included Amygdala, Roland, Gray Wolf, Hemphop, Nirva, and Snowblind. Soon many others were initiated into the Order and within a month of its opening, it boomed from about 6 initiates to about 40 initiates. Soon, Caladar decided it was time that Dreamers worthy of the honor would start the trials for guardianship, as he could no longer effectively manage the house by himself due to his short time within the Dream. These Guardian-Candidates were Amygdala, Roland, and Snowblind. As the Order started to bloom, six unique dark mares have appeared. They have consistently attacked the Order and the other houses as they rushed from the rifts with other dark mares. It is rumored that the tide of dark mares has only begun. As protection, dreamers within the Order can quickly access the Order’s house at the end of Trinity Walk, but can not access the Threshold, unless they walk down Trinity Walk to Trinity Rise to Trinity Plains to Trinity Fields, then into the Order’s threshold hall. With the small group of initiates, came three teachers, Hemphop, Moon Teacher of FateSender, Kyane, Moon Teacher of GateKeeper, and Snowblind, Moon Teacher of DreamSeer. Soon, under the training of Snowblind, Amygdala and Roland became Moon Teachers of FateSender. These five teachers should become involved in the teaching of those of the House, through daily classes in history, use of arts, and combat training. But, even with these teachers, there was no teacher of SoulMaster within the Order, making initiates of the Order having to run teachers of the Dreamers of Light or House Calenture. When Ruler Ghea of House Calenture, kidnapped the wife of Valourin, Tiger, hostilities sharply rose between House Calenture and the Dreamers of Light. As they conflicted within the halls of House Calenture, the Order was attacked by the some of the uniques and dark mares. The Order fought off the attack and remained in their house just in case they reappeared. With House Calenture and the Dreamers of Light fighting and bickering, problems arose. The SoulMasters within OoSM were having harder times receiving training on their focus without somehow having to involve themselves within House Calenture and Dreamers of Light conflicts. Soon the teachers within the Order had to train more and more students as the conflicts arose. House Calenture banned their teaching to other houses, while Dreamers of Light kept it open to all. The Order did not want to get involved with the other houses’ conflicts, but wept as this discord ran throughout the Dream.


Order of the Sable Moon Scroll

The House History Scrolls

The Underlight Scrolls