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Keepers of Eternal Shadow

House Beliefs: 


First Elder:

Previous Elders:


First Ruler (s):

Previous Rulers:


First Guardian (s):

Previous Guardians:

Keepers of the Eternal Shadow

Keepers of the Eternal Shadow was a Dreamstriking House, one which DreamStruck essences, for some strange reason. She states that she does not know of the illuminate/FreeSoul polarity of the House yet, but I suspect heavily that it will be Illuminate. In their History, they speak of the Shadow, which they keep. Apparently, they convert 'mare essences into some sort of nutrition for the Shadow, which is contained in their Ruler areas and in turn, the Shadow provides the House with guidance. The Entropy Coalition had some roots in KoES, but not enough to be fully associated with them. The group that wishes to open up the Keepers of Eternal Shadow call themselves the Shadow Alliance. This group is dedicated to the study of KoES' history. They are hoping that once they discover the true beliefs of KoES that they will find them acceptable, and can use them. The leader of this group is Sabriana, she says that she is apprenticed to the houses current ruler Lord Xenus. She says that he also is seeking to regain the history of KoES because he lost his memory after the great loss. Sabriana says that the members of the SA are forbidden to engage in random violence and dishonorable acts. She also says that the true beliefs (FreeSoul/Illuminate) will come when they find out more information about the houses history. In my search for what the KoES used to do with essences I was told that they used to feed them to an entity called the Shadow, via an artifact called the "Shadow Sphere". I was told that the reasoning behind this house was that of balance. The City is made up of a balance, everything chaotic and to some "evil" on one side and everything organized and of the "light" on the other. The SA believes that this balance must be kept even or fatal consequences will occur. They believe that the city is dangerously tipped towards the light, and that it is their job to ease it back to a delicate balance. I also heard from a very reliable source that this house maybe a house of assassins and that it's underlying purpose is evil.

 House History - Thanks to Sabriana


House History Scrolls

Underlight Scrolls