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Lake of Tears

Edgeward Barrows

The Lake of Tears was created by the Union of The Covenant. It is the only salt water lake in the Dream. At the bottom of the lake rests the personal effects of Abil and Deras, both former UoC Rulers. They were a great pride to their House. Naturally, the two were married. Unfortunately, they were brutally murdered by the Dark Mare, Tehthu. Their death was mourned by the entire House.  A space was carved out in the normally waterless Barrows. Some say the lake is not just merely water, but is filled with tears. Though the lake was created with regular water, it is strangely salted now. A monument for the two was then erected with the symbol of Abil on the top. That is the totem pole you will see if you visit the Lake of Tears. Strangely enough, at the top of the pole is what appears to be an eye. 

Evidence for this History: The number 2 (two) is almost always repeated. When you first enter the Barrows, there is the "Light" and the "Dark" road. Then there is the Golden and the Earthen Sanctuaries. You can almost always see two stones standing next to one other...usually one taller than the other (male/female, possibly).  In the cave under the Lake of Tears, there are two stones in the center, two poles on the sides, and two different colors (black and greenish yellow) on the walls. The House in the Barrows (if you follow the High Road) is called the Union of the Covenant (sounds like marriage to me). Then last but not least, there is a place called the Crossroad (possibly representing death or murder).

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