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Insignia in Teng's Treasure Hoard

The Lost Caves

The Srechethan tribe was the first of the tribes to rule before the houses. It was ruled by a dreamer named Hasenthes. Hasenthes had two sons named Agonarius, and Teng. Hasenthes declared once that upon his death, only one son would rule. The two brother fought viscously for ruler ship. Teng won and banished his brother. After 10 years of Banishment, Agonarius returned to fight his brother once again, this time he employed the use of nightmares. Teng had no choice but to retreat into lost caves to survive. Teng and his tribe were forced to live off whatever came within reach. They spent their times traveling carefully through rooms that had not been inhabited by the mares. Until one day, Teng was confronted by his brother Agonarius. Agonarius offered Teng one way to survive. That was to kill each other. The battle ended with neither brother dead. Both were too tired to make another swing. After hours of resting and consulting, they agreed on peace. Agonarius tried to call back the mares, but they were far too powerful to stop. The mares had developed their own leaders and lords. So, Teng and Agonarius had no choice but to join sides and become enemies with the mares. Teng developed an insignia to memorize the very spot the where he and his brother agreed on peace. The insignia is currently in Teng's treasure hoard in Lost Caves. The off-centered circle signifies the chaos force in the dreams. The long line to the right represents Justice while the short line to the left represents Hatred. The toped triangle to the upper left signifies Teng. The lower triangle is Agonarius. The insignias to commemorate two brothers bonding to form Justice over Hatred.


Map of Lost Caves

Plain History Scrolls