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Mt Illapse

There were 15 Master DreamWrights who set out to create a space for themselves.  This was to be Mt Illapse.  As they ascended the mount under progress they created the first 10 rooms.  This took 10 days of Dreamtime, a day each of pure concentration to evoke the great Art, Create Plain.  As they were quite proud of their work they each named a room after themselves.  As you walk up and around the Mt. Illapse, you can see their legacy left behind.  They created Camp of Kings, and there paused to rest for a day.  There were 5 others yet to have rooms named after them.  As they had indeed moved high enough, they started back down the Mt and created rooms off the side of the main trail, skipping one room each time.  At the last room to be created, Mirdinir, who was the youngest, miscalculated how tired he truly was.  During the creation of this final room, he lost control of the his evocation and the massed Chaos swept him away.  The others were tired and now they had lost one of their own.  All work on the Mt was put off. It was centuries before anyone ventured up to start work again.  Demetria, our first ruler,  was the leader of this new group.  It was decided at this time to add more to the Mt before beginning work on the House itself.  This allowed access to Gloom Peaks and Cairn of Sorrow.  Coltura, who was part of this group, was our very first Guardian, and was the creator of the Art Blend.  Forgotten Pits was created first, so named because the Mt had been forgotten by many, Solitude Pits and Tirath's Pit were created next.  Two months were spent designing and creating the Keep.  The sanctuary wasn't added until the Nightmare Wars, soon after.  Two ambuscades, one on either side of the keep were made for added protection.  The vault was added for storage of items.


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