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Threshold Caves

The caves have been referred to as the third rift. And yet my studies have not really indicated that is true. The rifts as we have seen lie at the outskirts of the city. The caves are at the very heart of it. The cave I believe is actually the force from which the city first sprung. It is said that the first dreamers learned to form solid matter from the essence of the dream. Yet they must have had a power from which to draw from to do that. When you enter the realm of the caves and proceed down the right corridor or around the central room you see off into the distance a pulsing energy pattern in the distance. I believe this energy is actually the very soul of the city. It is where all of us reside when our time of ending has come. It is the consciousness of the city. This power is very unstable and thus you have the formation of both good and evil. It is here that Osric speaks of the creation of the ultimate product of warped chaos. I believe the altar is in the first room that was created by the first dreamers. It is here that they continued to conceive the rest of the city, as we know it. As time passed these dreamers became very powerful and arrogant. Again Osric speaks of one called Horron. His mind was warped and thus his powers became tools of evil. His children the mares of Underlight. The other dream rights developed the basic arts here as they city above them developed. Soon they had trouble containing their power and knew the dream would come when they had to seal off the caves. They also knew that some dream out in the future they would have to reopen the caves but they had to develop a way to insure the time was right so keys were developed to open the caves. One such key is the Eye of the moon. The DreamWrights knew that until the dreamers of Underlight understood how to use the keys that the caves would remained sealed. It was their way of insuring that when they were reopened the dreamers would be mature enough to use the powers that it contained.

Thanks to Carniworker

Date: 05-06-99 17:26

Plain History Scrolls

Underlight Scrolls