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Threshold Caves

Some of you know of Wesex, mine and Snapcase's father DreamStrike master, all around evil person... so you say, we know of him, who cares? well it is because of him that Thresh Caves were formed, how do I know this??? he told me

Long ago when the DreamStrike offensive was in its prime, the DreamWrights realized that soon, even Threshold would no longer be safe, and so the went down unto the its and there started a labor of creating a new plane, a plane to be used as a fortress against the evil to come. As shown by 2 different mazes, and a vault the whole place was not meant to be penetrated, but it was. After it was built the master DreamWright gathered all the dreamers they could into these caves. Originally there was no portal from entrance to Ceremonial chamber, that was done by the DreamStrikers, the ceremonial chamber was where the DreamWright gathered all the dreamers, but when the DreamStrike forces came, many went through the mazes and were lost, but the smart ones created a portal. When the DreamWrights knew all was lost, they made all who could wake, and they sealed themselves, and the dreamstrikers in the caves hopefully, never to be opened again... but it has been so releasing a great evil upon the dream, one that was bound unto a codex, long long ago. . .

Thanks to Bilbo Baggins
Date: 05-08-99 10:46

Plain History Scrolls

Underlight Scrolls