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Statues of Library of Souls

Threshold Pits

"Beauty is more than just looks, Bowmer, true beauty comes from within, not from one's appearance". His mother's words rang through the DreamSmith's mind as walked the dream. So much had already been built of the City, murals were being painted and some sculptures had been added to enhance the atmosphere. None ever said that Bowmer himself was an attractive man, but his artwork was acclaimed throughout the dream and his shard of Cloudsbreak. None understood why he chose to make his avatar appear as homely as his Cloudsbreak form, but the words his mother would say to him each night as he slept were lodged deep in his mind. Her beauty and wisdom was the inspiration for his artwork. As he walked into his shop this Dream, the dust swirled around his feet. On the workbench was a list of the sculptures he still had to finish. Lower Hall, the Library of Souls. So many statutes needed, how was he ever going to finish them in time?

He set about his work, taking the blocks of marble from deep under the Chasm of Souls. This artwork was to welcome dreamers. What better form than to make them look similar to some of those he'd seen so far? Over the weeks that followed, he crafted them beautifully, using the water than ran over the waterfall outside his home, he smoothed the finished statutes, polishing them with his flame. Only 8 more were needed when he finished his work for the day. Satisfied that he would complete his work on time, he decided to take a walk through the planes, looking for the companions he'd neglected while he was busy sculpting. "Bowmer! Come over here, something's happened." Fra'Garian waved his fellow DreamSmith closer to the group gathered in discussion. "I've almost completed the sculptures, what's happened?" he asked as he joined them. He looked around at the group. Eight dreamers he knew. Serana and Pomius, the FateSenders. Kessi and Jezanda, the SoulMasters. Lyanie and Inglan, the GateKeepers. Marcos and Quinlan, the DreamSeers, all DreamSmiths, all looking at a strange, dark crystal sitting on the table before them. "A message has come to the City.. from outside in the Chaos somewhere. It seems a Dark One known as T'marak is planning to pay us a visit. We're discussing a way to stop him from causing any damage." The group of nine discussed the matter all through the night. The next day, when their unwelcome visitor was expected, they headed toward the City entrance. The soulsphere of a younger dreamer came through the portal of Corrupted Way, screaming about the dark creature that had collapsed him.

Jezanda restored the young man and sent him on his way, each of them taking their places as they'd planned, surrounding the generator in the center of the room. The strongest of the group, Lyanie and Inglan, took their places by the portal leading into Renrut's study.. Serana and Pomius taking their places by the portal to the maze.. Kessi and Jezanda by the portal to the Jagged Steps and Marcos and Quinlan by the portal through which T'marak had to pass to get into the City. The two DreamSeers used their insight to see the evil creature approaching them, and warned the others to prepare. Bowmer stood behind the generator itself as the nine readied the arts they would need to win this battle, his mind drifting to his statues as he waited. T'marak was expecting a welcome when he passed through the portal and attacked the assembled DreamSmiths viscously. Lyanie fell to her knees, fatally wounded. Bowmer called out to him, drawing his attention away from the eight by the portals. "Foolish dreamers. Trying to take what is ours and twist it with your Order!" the Dark One's voice filtered through their minds. Bowmer stood bravely before the horrid creature as it advanced on him, trusting his companions to follow through with their plan.

As T'marak neared the generator itself, the eight evoked their arts, the power of the generator enhancing them more than they had expected. Bowmer lashed out at T'marak and a loud explosion accompanied by a brilliant flash of light filled the room! When the smoke cleared, Bowmer looked around. The room was silent. The only sound he could hear was the steady hum of the generator. Where his companions had once stood were now statues. In the center of the room, trapped by the power of the generator, was another statue. Tears filled his eyes as he realized that he had evoked his skill instead of the Art he was supposed to use. As it struck T'marak, it lashed out farther.. turning those who had stood so bravely against him into statues as well. The Dark One no longer being a threat, Bowmer walked around to each of the statues. Touching each in turn and feeling the trace of the soul that had once inhabited it. The next day, he returned with a plaque and placed it on the wall there. "Let none forget the sacrifice of these 8 fine dreamers who stood against a power of Chaos. May the statues here always stand guard over the portals to remind us to be ever vigilant and always prepared to defend our fair City."

Researched by Cherlia

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