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Benny's Blue Passage

Valley of Totality

During the times prior to the Great Loss, a dreamer known as Benny rose to predominance as the head apprentice in the guild for Dreamseer's....His intelligence and level of arts was held as second to none among the non DreamWrights and DreamSmiths of the time. His thirst for power and the rank of DreamSmith drove him onwards, always progressing, always searching for more..... One day he stumbled upon fragments of a torn scroll left in his masters study, and he removed these pieces and after many days of trial and error, pieced together a significant portion to what is believed to have been the lost art of MegaBlast. Excited beyond all care for his safety, by the thought of possessing such an art, so long gone from the Dream, he quickly set about experimenting on how to best rekindle the power of the art into his avatar. He sought an out of the way area to practice, with a closed in ceiling and walls so that no one would be able to see him practice and formulate such a mighty art......He found such a room one day while strolling up the Valley and decided he would begin his practical trials there the following day at dawn...... Arriving there he set about his preparations and when he was ready began the trance that would call forth the power of the art for the first time in so many generations. Unbeknownst to Benny the missing pieces of the Scroll contained such vital information, which he had discounted in his rush for the art, that he in fact invoked a very self destructive force of purest insight onto himself....... This wave of Insight engulfed Benny, seemed to shrink down to nothing, before exploding over the entire room.......The color of purest Night was permanently etched into the walls forever more. As for Benny no more was ever seen or heard of this unfortunate Dreamer, just the name, Benny's Blue Passage, lives on in his memory.

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