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Bigibwyn's Path

Valley of Totality


This unremarkable stretch of the dream, is in the no way without history. While researching the West Valley of Totality, I found it to have a story of both hardships and great victories. Bigibwyn was a SoulMaster, not an amazing dreamer but a honorable one. He had a wife in the Dreamcity, Felicity. She was a somewhat newly awakened Dreamer. She met Bigibwyn when she was searching out a teacher of the SoulMaster arts. They quickly developed a friendship that over time became something more. As their love blossomed the Mares attacked. A DarkMare by the name of Tehthu, had made its way into the West Valley of Totality, it was running rampant, and none could seem to stop it. The elders called for the Dreamers, the City Guard as they were called , Bigibwyn , being a man of honor , bid his love farewell, and departed for the Valley. In this stretch of land soon to be named after him Bigibwyn and the others defeated the DarkMare, collapsing it to nothingness. What he did not know was his love Felicity, had died in the battle Dreamstruck by the DarkMare. Upon discovering this he raged vowing the destruction of the DarkMare. Soon after this Tehthu returned, to the same place. Bigibwyn , alone faced him, in a moment of clarity the DarkMare spoke “Your loves DreamSoul is now feeding my brothers, they relish her cries!” Bigibwyn , enraged with grief, set upon the DarkMare with all his arts! The battle is untold, as there were none to be around as this master teacher of the SoulMaster arts and the Mare engaged in battle. But from the stained walls it is plain to see that great arts were the cause of the stained walls within. A Codex, written by Bigibwyn was found… Only telling of the love for his woman….”I come Felicity! To the very Chaos which spawned this evil. I vow to come to your aid!”

Researched by Shawai

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