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Greicred's Shinning Road

Valley of Totality

This is the story of Greicred's Shining Road in the west valley. There once was a dreamer named Greicred, he was a very solemn man who rarely spoke at all. One thing was known of him, he kept a very clean house. All dream long he would clean and re-arrange things to bring order to what he thought of as chaos. What Greicred didn't know was that he cleaned so much that he actually began cleaning just by focusing all his concentration on a room. One day while Greicred was wandering in the west end of the valley he came upon some rather young dreamers who in their ignorance were dropping items and used codex's all about the ground. Angered by this act of immaturity Greicred began to concentrate all his anger upon the dreamers. The dreamers he looked upon began to shiver before him and writhe in pain as their very souls were being struck from the dream. When Greicred came out of his trance state, he realized not only was the litter gone from the road, but there was no sign of the dreamers. From that point on no one DARED litter upon the road. Rumor even has it this may have been the first use of Destroy Talisman.


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