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Jinok's Cliff

Valley of Totality

The story of Jinok's Cliffs is an interesting tale. You see there was once a Mare named Jinok who was always found at the cliffs in the valley. He was very intimidating and scary, and for those reasons no one ever traveled the cliffs. One day an old feeble man got lost while walking with his granddaughter Elisa. As Elisa searched the valley frantically in search of her dear grandfather, he happened upon the cliffs where the mare hung out. The mare sensing the old man began to come towards him. The old man who at this time in his dream couldn't see very far thought the mare to be a friend and waved hello to the mare. Jinok had never actually seen a dreamer greet him before and stood in shock of the old mans gestures, not knowing exactly what it meant. It was about this time that Elisa gathered all her friends to go up the cliff with her to find her wayward grandfather, knowing the mare was waiting, and fearing the worst. Well, the old man began to speak common tongue to the mare, and Jinok not knowing what any of his words meant sat pondering what to do with the old man. Elisa now up on the cliff walls saw her grandfather confronted by Jinok and began to shout " Get away from him you vile creature". Hearing the cries of his granddaughter the old man walked toward the edge of the cliff not realizing how far the drop truly was. Elisa had now reached the top and began charging at Jinok, blade in hand. The old man was now a few steps from the edge and even though he knew Elisa planned his collapse, Jinok seemed to not know why the dreamer was attacking him, but knew the old man would surely perish. As Elisa struck the Mare with her blade he staggered to the edge of the cliff knocking the old man into his granddaughter, consequently saving the old man. No one knows why the mare did this or even if he meant to save the old man, but due to the lack of evidence it was later rumored that the mare simply was trying to escape Elisa's blade. Thus the cliffs were named for the strange Mare Jinok and his accidental, good deed.

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