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Meradan's Dark Mountain

Valley of Totality


Just after the first wave of consciousness finished taking its toll on Underlight during the Great Loss, a young Guardian of Radiance named Merandan stepped into the Dream at the Threshold to begin his tour of duty. The destruction that met his eyes was almost unbearable. However, his love for his fellow Protectors overcame his fears and he set about gathering up the shredded essences of his fallen brothers and sisters. He was intent upon seeing them properly interred at the House. He set out across the Valley of Totality, gathering up more of his fallen comrades as he went. When he reached the lofty mountain pass, just past Jinok's Cliff the second wave of consciousness tore young Merandan asunder. The essences he carried became fused into the rock of the mountain giving the mountain its strange dark hue. Thus was the mount named for Guardian Protector Merandan.

Researched by RitterWulfe

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