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Sanctuary, East and West Passage

Valley of Totality


Many know of the Sanctuary which stands between Sara's Bright Outlook and Camden's East Cliff, found in the Valley of Totality near the house of the Protectors of The Radiance. Few, however, know of it's creation, it's two fold history that make it one of the most illustrious, under used, locations throughout the dream. The Eastern Valley Sanctuary came to be one day long before the great loss. It's creation was only possible by a singular unique event, that being the proper placement of two strong DreamWrights, Camden, creator of the high cliffs of the valley, and Sara, a DreamWright of great detail and insight, who's creations are amongst the most complex and detailed of the dream. One day, both stood in their normal haunts, Camden studying and practicing his arts on the highest of his creations, East Cliff, while Sara relaxed and sang songs of great battles while in her favorite section of the Valley, Bright Outlook. While no-one knows exactly how it came to be; some say it was a simultaneous casting of a lost art by both Camden and Sara, others say it was a rare occurrence of a rip in the fabric of the Valleys of Totality, a small portal opened up in the rooms each occupied. Both were stunned by the sudden appearance of a portal in an area of their creation. Unaware of the events happening in the rooms of each other, both entered the portals which had appeared, and found themselves each in a long cavern, sealed at one end. Knowing that this was no mere circumstance, and that a seemingly meaningless one way cavern was highly unusual within the dream, they began to evoke arts to open a portal at the end of each cavern, still unaware of the events happening to the other. Camden cast a lost art which had it's foundations in the Art of Reweave while standing in what is now know as the Western Sanctuary Passage. Sara, alone in the now named Eastern Sanctuary Passage, began evoking a similar, if unrelated Art, from her position. Coincidence, or fate, caused both to evoke these arts at the same time. The power of these two arts, when cast, magnified the other, ripping their way through the remaining fabric of the dream which separated the two passages. In a blinding explosion of light and noise, the Eastern Sanctuary was born. As a result of the fantastic merging of dream-fabric, and the two arts cast by the powerful DreamWrights, both lay stunned and unable to move for a considerable amount of time.

When both finally were able to move, they came to realize, each separately of course, as they were both still unaware of the existence of the other, that something miraculous had happened. Both rushed through the new portals which they felt they had created, and both entered the newly formed Eastern Sanctuary at the exact same moment. Their eyes locked, and the realization of what had happened dawned upon them. Even more so, both instantly became smitten with each other, and from their creation of a new haven of safety and sanctuary within the dream, came the spark of new love. The Eastern Sanctuary became the permanent study chamber of both Sara and Camden, as well as the home for their love. The power of the protective force of the Eastern Sanctuary grew as the collective residue from the arts both cast accumulated over time. Long after, soon after the terrible events of the Great Loss, and the formation of the first four Houses within the Dream, a young member of the Protectors of Radiance, the appointed guardians to the Valleys of Totality, named Hobbe Goblynne, found himself inside the Eastern Sanctuary, and felt the power of the residue of the arts which Camden and Sara had practiced there so long ago. He had long searched for an area within the dream which would become his lab, a place where he could work on his fledgling Gatekeeper arts of Ward, Amulet, and Free Action, amongst others. He knew instantly that this sanctuary, and the two passages on either side, were the perfect union of two separate but equal portions of the dream, a focal point in which his studies would benefit the most. Many long days and knights Hobbe practiced his Gatekeeper Arts, warding the passages which lead into the both Sanctuary passages, essentially claiming these three areas of the dream as his own. He would often leave inscribed codex's outside the warded portals, announcing that these three sections of the dream were to be known as The Goblynne's Lair.

Many whom passed by the portal entrance in Sara's Bright Outlook while on their way to the House of the Protectors of Radiance, and fewer still whom found themselves dead-ended on Camden's East Cliff at the warded portal, read the codex's and wondered at the happenings which could be occurring inside the blocked sanctuary. Then, as suddenly as it began, the warding of portals to these three areas of the Eastern Valley, and the appearances of the Wizard Goblynne's codex's ceased. Only one within the dream knows what really happened to cease the works of Goblynne, although many various rumors abound. Once again, the great Sanctuary created by the power and love of Camden and Sara stood alone and unused. Now, a new dreamer, a young but rapidly growing DreamSeer wizard called Q'Madif Hdrathu, seeks to resurrect the efforts of Goblynne, and once again create a powerful training center focused within this section of the dream. If all goes well, the mysticism and magic which has long been centered on this focal point of the dream will once again rise, the results of which, this time, may last until eternity.

Researched by Q'Madif Hdrathu


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