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Slopes of Choregan

Valley of Totality

Before the Great Loss, there was a warrior named Choregan who was a proud member of Protectors of Radiance and a leader of the Guard. Choregan was very skilled with his blade, which led him to be challenged to duels often. He became unbeatable and this made many of his challengers angry. Being a guard, he had a daily routine of walking the lands, once in the morning and once in the evening. He loved this time because it was so peaceful and he could reflect on the day or plan his next day's events out. During one of his walks, a warrior named Starnoth challenged him to a duel that evening at the dueling arena. Choregan had dueled Starnoth a few times, beating him each time. He declined the challenge which only made Starnoth angry and he vowed that he would indeed duel him and that he would not walk away this time in victory. Choregan walked off laughing and continued his daily routine, leaving his challenger standing there in extreme anger. Choregan went on about his days duties, forgetting all about the confrontation of the early morning. As evening fell, it was time for him to walk the land for the last time that day. He bid his friends good night and headed to the Thresh from the house. As he walked, he reflected the day's happenings and things he must get done tomorrow. As he entered the land before the Thresh, he saw Starnoth on top of the slop with six other warriors behind him. Choregan turned and saw that he was Warded in and there was no escape. Starnoth came down halfway and started fighting Choregan. Choregan had Starnoth almost to collapse when the other warriors jumped in and started attacking, and destroyed Choregan. His House mourned the death of Choregan and thus named the land where he died The Slopes of Choregan, to honor the great warrior of the house.


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