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The Study of Erennathnio

Valley of Totality


There is a study off the first sanctuary in the Valley of Totality.  This study is called the Study of Erennathnio. Erennathnio was a Scholar of Radiance and when the first mares came to the Dream he wanted to find out how they should be dealt with. Like the Order of the Sable Moon still does today, he studied the mares. However, unlike the Order, he quickly realized the true nature of the mares and the ways in which they threatened the unawakened. Now his studies moved quickly to finding out how to banish the mares from the dream forever. He conducted his studies in the room adjoining the Sanctuary as mentioned before. When Master Zordon and his team of DreamSmiths, known as the Forgers Circle, of House Calenture created the Orb of Calenture to banish the mares, Adreitith of Dreamers of Light was not far behind them in his studies. Soon after Dreamers of Light created their Prime Artifact, The Dreaming Stone. Erennathnio then created the Prime Artifact of Protectors of The Radiance to banish mares.

Researched by Rasputin


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