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The first leader of prenumbra was Ravegeone.  Folko never was a part of an official group but he was a follower of Prelaid.  Ravegeone then betrayed Prelaid and grouped himself with Iden.  there was these two extream powers...Prenumbra and Iden.  for some reason when kabals left..prenumbras first goal was to weaken elders of the city to the point that they would dissapear.  Iden on other hand and his followers were damaging the walls of the houses. performing rituals and stuff.  after some time...facades start to crack and they all closed short after.  Prelaid returned when houses were destroyed and prenumbra reported that they used the artifact...corrupter of souls to break the wall in the city walls.  but when they attempted to do it...the portal appeared in that place...thats how citadel was found.  so...because there was a large amount of members of past OoSM and KoES in prenumbra..prelaid did this....he snaped the corrapter of souls in two for oosm and one for keepers, creating their primes out of the pieces.  PAMSWEETS and Purple Lace were the Leaders, other members included Intrigue, Sable, Black-Lotus, Rafe, WinterValentine, Kellergeister, and Jack of Shadows.

The Groups
