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History of Kirokza

Kirokza is from the Chaos, as all Mares are. He was raised by a small group of other Dark Mares, from which he learned how to use Chakrams to collapse unsuspecting Dreamers.  Kirokza had great strength, but very little experience. He had collapsed only a few weak dreamers who were ignorantly walking on the edge of The Chaos. Through these encounters Kirokza had learned the art of Abjure. He had been blinded several times, and was unable to learn vision, thus he was taught Abjure.  After a few months of training, Kirokza ventured out farther from the Chaos, into the Albino Caves.  There he met Chantole. Chantole was a great Dreamer, nearly a Master Teacher. Chantole was a DreamSeer, and like all great DreamSeers, he was able to manipulate the very fabric of the dream and make himself invisible. At first Kirokza was very confused by this opponent that he could not see. Kirokza could do nothing but run. On his way out he found several Alterors. He picked these up and took them with him back to the Chaos. Chantole saw Kirokza pick up these alterors, and fearing that he would use these to harm of other dreamers, which he certainly would have, Chantole went after the alterors in Kirokza's possession. As Kirokza struggled to keep control of the alterors, his invisible opponent pulled hard. In the struggle Kirokza was briefly paralyzed, and the alterors were slightly loosened from his grasp. Once Kirokza regained his movement, he immediately grabbed hold of the alterors and pulled as hard as he could. As they both pulled in opposite directions, the alterors tore slightly, so slightly that neither of them knew it. Suddenly storms overtook Chantole, and he awoke. Kirokza, unaware of just what had happened to his opponent, went back to the Chaos.  In the chaos, Kirokza examined the alterors. As he was examining them, wondering just how they worked, a strange thing began to happen. As the alterors sat immersed in Chaos, with a slight tear in each, Chaos started leaking into them. Soon they were quite mixed with Chaos, so much in fact, that they became very unstable. As Kirokza watched, the alterors changed shape slightly. Thinking that this must be normal, Kirokza ignored this strange effect, and continued to try to activate the alterors.  Not only were these alterors torn, but they all had been given strange effects. The four alterors each had a different effect. The effects were Curse, Poison, Stagger, and Paralyze.  After many hours of trying, Kirokza finally succeeded in activating the alterors. Once activated, the Chaos reacted violently with the effects already within the alterors. Instead of giving the user a temporary use of the art at hand, the alterors gave Kirokza the Arts themselves! Kirokza felt the Chaos surge through his body as he received the arts of Paralyze, Curse, Poison, and Stagger.  Kirokza emerged once again from the Chaos and sought out unsuspecting Dreamers. Kirokza and Chantole have met several times since their first meeting, and there is always a great battle between them. To date, however, Chantole has not been collapsed by the evil Kirokza. Chantole is not often found in the dream, if ever. It is rumored that Chantole has the ability to manipulate his ability to be located so that he appears not to exist. Chantole spends much of his time studying in the depths of the planes of UnderLight, ever searching for a new art, one that can remove arts altogether from a Dreamer. No one know if he has been successful, but one thing is certain, if Kirokza is about, Chantole knows it. Perhaps we have all been helped my the invisible dreamer at one time or another and not realized it. Regardless, thus is the history of the evil Kirokza. 

Submitted by Khalome.

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