What Is EchoLocation?
- Echolocation is a technique used by whales, dolphins, bats, and other types of nocturnal creatures. It is performed by using a series of clicks and sounds to locate an object that they cannot see. So if there were fish in the water that a dolphin could not see, they would send out a series of clicks. When the clicks hit the fish or any other objects in the water, it would bounce back and the dolphin can pinpoint the fish or objects exact location.
- This also tells them the size, shape and movement of the object.
- Most scientists believe that it is a very complicated language. In one study they took one single click and slowed it down. When they did that, they discovered that there was a range of 20-400 split second clicks. Many people have tried to
- Dolphins can sometimes become stranded because their echolocation doesn't give them any information about the decreasing depth of the water. So they can easily become beached if they can't see where they are going.
- Most dolphins are very social, the echolocation helps them communicate and locate each other. Usually if another dolphin is in trouble, they will send series of clicks, squeaks, and moaning groans. Since sound travels so well underwater, other dolphins can hear the sounds, even if they are thousands of miles away.
Click Below To See Bibliography, Photos, And Testing On Echolocation
Photos Of Dolphins
Scientist Testing Of Echolocation