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Share Your Story
~Break The Silence~

    On this page (and if this page grows into a number of pages) I am allowing people to share their personal stories. The abused child is told to never tell, it's always a secret. I haven't come across an abuse victim yet that was not told to keep it a secret. So on this page I am breaking the silence! Silence should be broken! If we as survivors continue to be silent abuse will only continue to be the "silent killer" of children and their souls, from all around the world. Speak out! Bring awareness! Abuse is real, it does happen! The scars on the child's soul last longer than the scars on their bodies, and it follows them into adulthood. Let's help to STOP abuse and give those children the courage they need to survive. No matter what abuse you endured in your lifetime, it leave's a wound on your soul that you carry around with you. Long after the pain of the hurt is gone. If you would like to share your story you can email me at and put in the subject line "My Story". If you would like to remain anonymous, please let me know. If you would like me to add your email address to your story, I can do that to, or even a link to your homepage if you happen to have one. Just let me know when you email me. Thank you. I'm hoping that this will be a way to make friend's as well as let other's know they are not alone. Poetry is also welcome.
(NOTE: I'm in the process of making this section easier to view. Soon there will be individual pages for each persons story and links to those pages will be found here. Give me some time to work on this and I appreciate your patience.)

TRIGGER WARNING: The content of the following story is triggering. So please make sure you are grounded enough to read any further. This is your official warning, blame may not be placed on the site owner for anyone's reactions to the following material. Thank you. If you need to leave now please click HERE.


Below is an Anonymous Testimony by a very courageous conqueror. I'm very honored to be able to share this with people as it is a very different perspective but one that I believe in as well. As usual please be careful before continuing as some of the content may be triggering and there will be no further warnings once the link is clicked. Thank you.

  This next story could be very triggering to some, the poem attached is indeed triggering. Make sure you are in a good space before continuing. I've given ample warnings throughout the site and the owner of the following story asks I give another one as well. Thank you for taking care of yourself. I also want to thank the owner of the following story for contributing to this page as it will be here to help many people who read it.



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